Kiwanis scholarship applications available
The Kiwanis Club of Greater Pine Island is once again providing several financial college scholarships to Pine Island students. In order to qualify for a scholarship, each student must meet the following criteria: be a resident of Pine Island or attended Pine Island Elementary School.
The applicant must either be currently in the senior year of high school or a high school graduate. The applicant must also be in need of financial assistance.
Application forms are available at the following locations: Tom Scheuermann’s office at Mariner High School; Ida Baker High School;Century 21 Office, 10191 Stringfellow Rd, St James City (just south of the 4 way stop); and Pine Island Public Library.
The deadline for turning in the applications is April 30, at the Century 21 Office or they may be mailed (postmarked no later than April 30) to Kiwanis Scholarship Chairman, P.O. Box 111, St. James City, Florida 33956.
The Kiwanis Club of Greater Pine Island is proud to offer scholarships every year to deserving island students who are furthering their education. This is one way the club is able to return to the community some of the funds generated by our organization.
Please contact scholarship committee chairperson, Carlyn Herring 239-282-5610, or Tonya Player 283-7413 if you have any questions.