Bridge Beat
During the winter, bridge is played four days a week at the St. James City Civic Center at Fourth and Lemon. Monday features the Happy Islanders Bridge Group (Noon, members only). Duplicate is played Tuesday night at 7 p.m. (call Ross at 239-282-0012). The SJC Slambidders play on Wednesday (12:30 p.m.), no partner required. No partner required either for the Friday Night (7 p.m.) Friendly.
Friday, March 14 – Friday Night Party Bridge. 1.Andy Andersen 2. John Nyhus 3. Ellie Fenyohazi. Friday night is party bridge night at St. James Civic Center. Don’t need a partner. Just come on down and join the fun! 7pm.
Monday, March 17 – Happy Islanders Group A: 1. Dottie Kernaghan 2. Dottie Muske 3. Sandy McClinton 4. Kay Winter. Group B: 1. Andy Andersen 2. Marcia Bryan 3. Jane Mohar.
Tuesday Night Duplicate, March 18 – 1. Jerry Bernadotte and Tom Corwin 2. Nancy Judd and Wes Judd 3. Gay Cable and Dorie Green.
Wednesday, March 19 – Slambidders: 1. Kristen Bartlett 2. Ann Thomas 3. Kay Winter 4. Greta Gibson. Slams bid and made: MaryAnn Kuhn and Kristen Bartlett; Barb Wilson and Ann Thomas; Kay Winter and Clara McKnight; Dolores Grantio and Mickey Sterling.