
Sea-level rise expert at GPICA

2 min read

Greater Pine Island Civic Association’s April 1st meeting at 7:00 PM will be a presentation on sea-level rising by Professor Savarese of Florida Gulf Coast University (FGCU). Michael Savarese is Professor of Marine Science with a Ph.D. in Geology. His current research programs include the effects of sea-level rise on coastal environmental evolution, the history and paleoecology of reef development, and the effects of environmental change on oyster reef ecology.

As island residents, we should gather as much information as possible on rising waters. There is concern that the sea-level rise is occurring faster than experts initially predicted. How much faster. How will we address this problem. Can we fortify our boundaries. How will that be done and what are our options. How expensive will it be. Be armed with information. The future may be closer than you think.

Prof. Savarese is also interested in aquatic ecology and since we are surrounded by aquatic preserves he is looking forward to visiting us and learning more about our area.

Also, Phil Buchanan will provide an update on the status of new developments on Pine Island.

All civic meetings are open to the public at no charge. We meet at the Elks on Pine Island Rd., West of Stringfellow, first Tuesday of the month at 7:00 PM. Join or renew membership for a $10.00/p.p. annual fee. Contact Roger Wood, President at 920-421-3984 or Kathy Malone, 283-3762.