
Discussion about Five Wishes March 14 at O.W.L.S. program

2 min read

A discussion of Five Wishes will be held as part of the O.W.L.S. program Friday, March 14, Pine Island United Methodist Church, at 8 a.m.

When you are at the end of your life with death quickly approaching and you can no longer communicate with your family and loved ones, a gift to your family is Five Wishes.

Five Wishes cuts down the many arguments such as: what kind of music, if any does mom want in her room? Who does mom want in her room? How does mom want to be dressed for the funeral? These may seem like trivial questions at the moment, but at end of life they can and do create many arguments.

Five Wishes starts a family dialogue with your family, friends and doctors about how you want to be treated when you become seriously ill. It protects them if you become seriously ill, because they won’t have to made hard choices without knowing your wishes.

Five Wishes is divided into five parts:

* The person I want to make care decisions for me when I can’t

* The kind of medical treatment I want or don’t want

* How comfortable I want to be

* How I want people to treat me

* What I want my loved ones to know

These are hard questions that people tend to ignore until it is too late and emotions are raw and tempers are flaring, with arguments occurring.

Give your family a gift of peace. Complete Five Wishes!

Please call the Beacon of H.O.P.E., 239-283-5123, so they know how many to plan on for breakfast.