
Books for Hungry Minds under way

1 min read

The Friends of the Pine Island Library are collecting new and gently used children and young adult books. The Books for Hungry Minds project has collected over 1,800 books which have been distributed to the youth of Pine Island since it began in December 2011.

In previous years the books have been distributed through the Food Pantry, Pine Island Community Church and the Beacon of H.O.P.E. Again this year, the collected books are given to the Beacon for use in their various programs.

Stonegate Bank has a bright blue collection barrel in its foyer. Children and young adult books may be dropped off during regular banking hours. The Friends of the Library appreciate Stonegate Bank’s involvement in the project.

Books may also be dropped off at the library.

For more information on the project or to join the Friends of the Library, the next membership meeting will be held in the library meeting room at 3:15 p.m., Jan. 25.

For more information, contact Vicki at 283-7824 or email at