Rest easy Cutter Larson

Cutter passed away quietly on Dec. 16 at age 13 surrounded by family and friends.
He lived an idyllic life, doing what Jack Russell’s do – hunting, tirelessly chasing tennis balls and jumping in the sea chasing dolphins.
Cutter is probably best known for his bike riding abilities. He and his master logged 25,000 miles on the recumbent bike’s odometer up and down the Pine Island bike trail.
His escapades were endless, chasing raccoons in the canal at 2 a.m. and being run over by a commercial barge while swimming after dolphins in the Intercoastal Waterway. By all accounts, he lived five lives.
Cutter loved people and never met a dog he didn’t like.
Cutter will be missed and remembered by all who met him. Rest easy Cutter, chasing raccoons and tennis balls.