Pine Island Playhouse to perform ‘A Christmas Carol’

The Beacon of H.O.P.E.’s Pine Island Playhouse will be presenting “A Christmas Carol” this Friday, Dec. 20, and Saturday, Dec. 21, at the Fishers of Men Lutheran Church at 7 p.m. (doors open at 6:30).
Seating is on a first-come first-serve basis. As with all Pine Island Playhouse productions, the show will be free to the public with donations being accepted after the show.
Artistic Director Nichole Pichon wrote the adaptation sticking very closely to the Dicken’s tale.
When A Christmas Carol was first published, 170 ago years this Christmas, Dickens wrote:
“I have endeavoured in this Ghostly little book, to raise the Ghost of an Idea, which shall not put my readers out of humour with themselves, with each other, with the season, or with me. May it haunt their houses pleasantly, and no one wish to lay it.
Their faithful Friend and Servant,
C. D.
December, 1843
Since then the story has been adapted to every form of media including opera, ballet, a Broadway musical and many versions on film.
The story takes place in Victorian England seven years after Ebeneezer Scrooge’s business partner Jacob Marley’s death. Scrooge is a miserable old man established early in the story as “a squeezing, wrenching, grasping, scraping, clutching, covetous, old sinner!” who has no place in his life for kindness, compassion, charity or benevolence. He hates Christmas, calling it “humbug.”
That evening, when he returns to his cold house, he is visited by Marley’s ghost who is forever cursed to wander the Earth carrying heavy chains that represent his cold-heartedness while on Earth. Marley warns Scrooge to change his ways or suffer the same fate. Scrooge is then visited by three ghosts: the Ghost of Christmas Past, the Ghost of Christmas Present and the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come.
When Scrooge awakens Christmas morning he is a changed man. He has love in his heart and treats his fellow men with kindness, generosity and compassion he now embodies the Spirit of Christmas.
“I’m really excited about this production,” Pichon said. “This is a free, fun event for the whole family that will give everyone that holiday spirit. We have a cast of 15 dedicated actors and an extremely dedicated crew.”
Fishers of Men Lutheran Church is at 10360 Stringfellow Road.
For additional information about the play, call the Beacon of H.O.P.E. at 239-283-5123.