
Island author Williams wins Royal Palm Literary Award

1 min read

The Florida Writers Association has announced Cynthia Williams of Pine Island won a prestigious Royal Palm Literary Award. Williams’ winning entry, “As Wrong As Wrong Can Be,” won first place for unpublished children’s picture book.

The award was announced at FWA’s recent three-day annual conference in Orlando. This annual competition, which received more than 300 entries, was RPLA’s twelfth.

The Florida Writers Association, 1,300 members strong and growing, is a nonprofit 501(c)(6) organization that supports the state’s established and emerging writers. Membership is open to the public.

The Royal Palm Literary Awards competition is a service of the Florida Writers Association established to recognize excellence in members’ published and unpublished works while providing blind, objective and constructive written assessments for all entrants.

For additional information, visit the FWA website:, where you’ll also find a link to the complete list of 2013 RPLA winners.