
Annual MOTI holiday open house set for December 7

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A decorative shell bowl. PHOTO PROVIDED

The Museum of the Islands is holding its Annual Holiday Open House Saturday, Dec. 7, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Visitors can shop for holiday gifts made by local craftspeople and artisans, peruse the museum’s fascinating permanent collections, visit the gift shop, and have your kids entertained.

As you walk among the display cases of shells, dolls, antique tools, fishing paraphernalia and household items, you will see collections and singular items generously donated by local residents. Kids will have an opportunity to participate in a museum Treasure Hunt.

A main feature of the museum gift shop is its books for sale, including works by local authors, wonderful local histories, reference books on flora and fauna, and titles about Florida history and life. Other gift shop items are jewelry, holiday decorations, gourd work, cards and prints, pottery and glasswork, bags, afghans and souvenirs.

The 2014 MOTI calendar will be available. During the Open House, there will be a 10 percent discount on all books and our afghan/pillow/tote collection, as well as free gift wrapping!

On the museum grounds, vendors there will be offering their art and crafts for sale.

* Photography by the SJCCA Hotshots will be shown.

* Carol Hoyem will have photos and photo jewelry.

* Jan Clement will offer notecards and knitted items.

* Pat Johnson and David Spenst will have boas, small paintings, and stocking stuffers for sale.

* Pat Johnsen will have smartphone bags, holiday placemats and quilts.

* Gay Cable’s jewelry will be featured.

* Dot Birmingham will show paintings.

* Gary Abernathy will have clever wooden items like trivets and over shelf grabbers.

* Jessica Patti will be bringing her handmade soaps.

* Honey Seidler will have her drawings for sale.

* Dick and Dot Nelson will have pottery and boat motor mailboxes.

* Author DL Havlin will be there for book signing and sale.

* And, as always, there will be lots of plants for sale.

There will be live music by Island Frank for your enjoyment while you shop. The Cupcake Express will be on the grounds with their assortment of yummy goodies. And for the children, there will be bubbles, games, and stories.

Please consider this a special invitation to join us for some holiday cheer at the annual MOTI Holiday Open House. We have planned a special event and hope you will join us for it. It is open to the public, and admission to the museum for this event is free.

Tickets will be on sale for wonderful prizes by guessing the number of sea shells in the glass container! We have wonderful donations from local restaurants, stores, inns, and others. The winners (two of them) will be chosen on Feb. 8 at the MOTI Rhythm and Rummage Sale at the St. James City Civic Association, 3300 Fourth Ave., St. James City.

The MOTI Annual Holiday Open House is a great place to purchase holiday giftsand even in time to send them up North! All proceeds from sales at the Open House benefit YOUR museum. We hope you will come spend a fun morning with us, and at the same time, get some of your shopping done without even having to leave our beautiful island.

During season, the Museum of the Islands holds regular membership meetings the first Monday of the month with programs of interest.

This year the first seasonal General Membership Meeting is Dec. 2 with author Bob Macomber speaking about the Civil War Key West. You’ll also learn about the several Civil War fortifications, monuments, and the naval headquarters that still exist on the island.

The meetings are held at the Fishers of Men Lutheran Church at Pine Island Center at 7:00 p.m and are open to the public.

MOTI is located at 5728 Sesame Drive at Pine Island Center, right across from the library.

The phone number is 283-1525;