Pine Island Food Pantry hours changing
The Pine Island Food Pantry is changing its hours effective Thursday, Sept. 8, because of renovations scheduled to begin at the Parish Life Center of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal Parish, 12175 Stringfellow Road, Bokeelia. The new hours will be Mondays and Thursdays from 8:30 to 10:30 a.m.
According to Barb La Plante, pantry volunteers will meet with clients outdoors. Picnic tables and tents will be set up during hours of operation.
“We had to do this once before,” La Plante said. “Our volunteers adapted beautifully. I can’t say enough about the job they do.”
The remodeling will include dividing the center in two sections, carpeting, new lighting, dropped ceilings and other measures to improve acoustics. The volunteers will have access to only a path through the construction zone big enough to wheel a cart with needed items.
“We’re totally pleased with the efforts of Father Michael and the parish to allow us to stay open,” La Plante said.
The project should be completed in two to three months.