Open house sets pace for PIE’s first day of school

“Coach!” shouted a blonde- haired young girl as she ran up to Pine Island Elementary Physical Education teacher John Petrocy and gave him a hug. Nearby Principal Rob Mazzolli beamed.
“It’s so good to see the kids again,” he said as he looked around at the students and their parents who came for the elementary school’s open house prior to the first day of school. Suddenly he walked over to one boy sporting a gelled Mohawk hairdo. “Your hair looks terrific,” he told the student, “but remember, Mohawks are not allowed when you come to class.”
The boy readily accepted this admonishment and big smiles were exchanged between principal and student.
Four days later, Principal Mazzolli and his staff welcomed 265 students on Aug. 8, the first day of school. Among the 265 students are 38 kindergartners and more than a dozen students in grades 1 to 5 who are new to the school.
He said the number of students enrolled fluctuates from year to year depending on the number of kids who live on the island.
“It has been a very smooth morning, all of our kids came in excited, eager to be back to school and all dressed nicely,” Mazzoli said around 11 Monday morning about the first day of school.
He said a lot his students showed up on the first day.
The first day of school is actually two weeks earlier than previous years. Because Pine Island Elementary is in the high-performing Lee County School District and achieves a high level of student achievement it, and other district schools, received a waiver from the state to start school on Aug. 8. Among the benefits of an early start is that students will be able to complete end of semester exams before they leave for their holiday vacation.
Hannah Gadsden, a third grader from Saint James City, isn’t too sure she likes coming back to school early.
“But I love my art class,” she said. Her friend, Jaylin Cammilleri, also a third grader, likes her math class the most but that might change with a new addition to the school curriculum.
“We’re excited to be able to offer our third, fourth and fifth grade students National Geographic Science,” the principal says. “This program is a fantastic way for our students to unlock the big ideas of life, earth, physical and other sciences.
“Our school has been an A rated school for the last 13 years,” Principal Mazzolli proudly said. “I’m sure these terrific kids will excel, as have our past students, and we will achieve this honor for a 14th year.”
But he is quick to point out it’s not just the students, nor his staff, who are responsible for the school’s excellence.
“There is such a great community feeling here on Pine Island,” he said. “We get so much support from the community and various organizations on the island. And the parents are terrific. The staff and I could not achieve such excellence without them and we appreciate this very much.”
The school is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year and Mazzolli plans a big celebration later in the year.
“We’re calling it ‘We’re Still Golden.’ Many of these students’ parents, and even grandparents, attended this school. It will be great to have them come back for the anniversary events,” he said.
There are many opportunities for Pine Island residents to support Pine Island Elementary School.
Please call 283-0505 for more information.