Matlacha Overly Plan county review begins
The formal review process of the Matlacha Overlay Plan will begin in June with the Lee County Land Development Code Advisory Committee.
This is the first of three reviews before the Plan is presented to the Lee County Commissioners for final approval which is expected in the fall.
The Overlay Plan affects only residential properties in the Island Avenue and Matlacha Avenue sections and does not affect the Historic District or Matlacha Isles properties.
The Overlay will serve to bypass the expensive variance process, saving time and money for residents and owners wishing to build or remodel. The Plan will also address the mega-home construction trend so damaging to nearby home values and affecting the overall attractiveness of a small community of small homes on small lots so reminiscent of Old Florida.
The Overlay streamlines the regulatory process and will typically save property owners months of time and from $7,000 to $9,000 in permitting costs necessary due to the sub-standard lot sizes.
In a nutshell, the Plan eases front and rear yard setbacks from 25-feet to 18-feet and reduces the height from 38-feet to 32-feet. Side setbacks are decided by a sliding scale based on lot size with the intent of protecting light, air and access of adjoining properties. New dock construction setbacks will be 5-feet from the property line.
The LDCAC committee will discuss the Matlacha Overlay Plan LDC Amendments on Friday, June 10, at 8 a.m. in Conference Room 1B on the first floor of the Community Development Building, 1500 Monroe Street, Fort Myers. The next committee review will be Executive Regulatory Oversight Committee (EROC) on Wednesday, July 13, at 2 p.m. in the same conference room. Public comment is allowed. Due to summer vacations please call to confirm meetings at 533-8585, Nettie Richardson, Lee County Zoning or Kathy Malone, Overlay Plan Committee, 239-283-3762 or km654@cyberstreetcom .