Congratulations PIE graduates
Wrapping up another successful school year, Pine Island Elementary School presented the graduating class of 2011 last week. Forty-nine students successfully completed their studies and were promoted to middle school.
During the graduation ceremony which took place on Thursday, June 9, students, parents, grandparents and friends were present for the commencement as well as an awards and promotion ceremony. Recognition was paid to several students for various achievements throughout their elementary school career. Among the awards presented was a certificate of appreciation to the members of the school’s Safety Patrol. The award was presented for the group’s efforts to make Pine Island Elementary School a safe and efficient campus throughout the school year.
Two of the awards bestowed during the ceremony were presented by non-profit organizations, both of which are dedicated to the students of Pine Island. Both the Kiwanis and the Bobby Holloway Memorial Foundation earmark a large percentage of money raised to programs that directly impact island students. Those dollars are used to provide scholarships, swimming lessons, summer camp opportunities and more. In addition, both groups present special recognition to outstanding students each year.
Representing the Kiwanis Club of Greater Pine Island, Carlyn Herring presented TJ Clapp with this year’s the Student of the Year Award. According the Herring, the Student of the Year Award does not necessarily reflect a student’s academic success, but the candidates are selected primarily on the positive attitude and the ability to make good decisions demonstrated throughout the school year.
“Each year we call on the teachers to recommend one student to receive this special award. The Kiwanis Student of the Year is selected not so much for academic achievement, but more for the student’s attitude toward learning, his or her peers, teachers and school staff,” Herring said. “We are very pleased to honor a student with this award for doing the right thing and for setting a good example for others.”
The second award, was presented by Ernestine Squires from the Bobby Holloway Foundation. The Positive Attitude Award was presented to Dawson Proulx.
The final award of the evening was presented by Pine Island Elementary School principal, Rob Mazoli who recognized Javarius Modkins with the honor of receiving the Principal’s Award.
“This award is based on a student’s perseverance, the ability to overcome challenges and to strive to do their best every day. In my opinion, Javarius has met and exceeded these qualities,” said Mazoli. “This year’s graduating class overall simply shined. They are an all around nice group of kids who are very compassionate, as well as being academically strong. They have been their all year for each other and for their teachers and I am proud of each and every one of them.”
Also present for the graduation ceremony were fifth grade teachers Maria Burns, Tina Garris and Julie Whitt. The Pine Island Eagle staff would like to extend its congratulations to this year’s Pine Island Elementary School graduating class of 2011.