
Congratulations Class of 2011

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In recognition of years of dedication to their studies and endless hours of hard work, the Pine Island Eagle staff is pleased to present the graduating Class of 2011.

Jared Lee Wentz is the youngest son of Kacee (Joe) Spradlin and Ed (Gina) Wentz. He was born and raised on Pine Island and attended Pine Island Elementary and Gulf Middle schools prior to entering Mariner High School. While attending Mariner, Jared was a member of the Model United Nations Club, the Astronomy Club and the “A” Team. He was on the Captains Table and is a member of the National Technical Honor Society. Jared will graduate from Mariner as Suma Cum Laude with a grade point average of 4.36. At this time, Jared has received offers from several prestigious universities, including the University of Central Florida, the University of South Florida, Harvard University and Dartmouth’s Thayer School of Engineering. Jared has chosen to attend the University of Central Florida in Orlando and will begin attending classes in August in the engineering program.

From first through fifth grade, Alicen J. Wilbur attended Pine Island Elementary School, then attended Trafalgar Middle and will graduate this year from Ida Baker High School. Known as “Ali” to those who know her, she is an avid athlete and lettered all four years at Ida Baker in track and lettered three years in cross country. Ali would like to continue her dedication to running while she attends Florida Gulf Coast University later this year. While at FGCU, Ali will attend classes to work toward a career in nursing.

Kaitlyn Sarlo recently graduated Summa Cum Laude from Bishop Verdot and earned a 4.39 grade point average. She also graduates as a National Merit Scholar, as well as an AP Scholar. While in high school, Kaitlyn lettered in cross country for all four years and was the team captain. She also lettered three years on the lacrosse varsity team and was team captain. Kaitlyn was a member of the National Honor Society, Spanish Honor Society and a member of the “A” Team, as well as the Mission Club and the Fishing Club. While not attending classes Kaitlyn enjoys hunting, fishing, horseback riding and running. Over the last several years, Kaitlyn has also been an active volunteer. Among her volunteer activities, she spent two summers in the Bay-Waveland, Miss., area with the mission club building houses with Habitat for Humanity after Hurricane Katrina. She also served as a student leader for the Live Jesus retreat, sponsored by Bishop Verdot, and cooked dinner once a month at the Ronald McDonald House at HealthPark for two years. Kaitlyn will be attending the University of Florida to pursue a career in veterinary medicine.

Among the well-traveled youngsters on Pine Island is Emily Grace Varner. She was born in Clearwater, but also lived in Alaska and Hawaii before moving to Cape Coral in 2003 after her father retired from the Coast Guard. She then moved to Pine Island in 2008 with her mother, Connie Morris, and George Tabor. Emily is graduating from Mariner High School with honors and was awarded a scholarship from the Pine Island Moose Lodge, as well as from the Matlacha Hookers Hooked on Education Scholarships. Emily plans to continue her education by attending the University of South Florida. This fall she plans to major in communications and minor in art.

Congratulations to this year’s outstanding Pine Island graduates.