St. James Boat Club sponsors Kids Cruise

It would seem that boating opportunities are a given considering Pine Island is surrounded by water, but for some, a trip out on the water is a rare occasion. Among those who don’t often get a chance to experience the waterways and canals of Pine Island were recently targeted by members of the Pine island Boat Club for a special cruise.
“We took eight children out for an hour and a half cruise. Each boat had a captain and a mate to supervise and we toured the mangroves and boated out to Picnic Island before going to the Waterfront for lunch,” event organizer Capt. Frank Donaldson said. “I think the highlight for the kids was seeing all of the dolphins. They were all so excited and we couldn’t have asked for a better performance from the dolphins. The kids as well as boat club members had such a great time, we hope to make this an annual event.”
The children from Pine Island Elementary School climbed aboard boats that were provided by as well as captained and crewed by members of the boat club free of charge. The children were picked up at the docks at Woody’s Waterside Restaurant in St. James City.
According to Donaldson while out on the water, the children witnessed dolphins at play as well as numerous native birds in search of a meal amid their natural habitat.
“Seeing the delight on the faces of the kids as we boated through our beautiful waterways was reward enough for all of us,” Donaldson said.
Adding to the adventure was a stop at the Waterfront Restaurant and Marina, also in St. James City.
“The owner, JD Hollway, of the Waterfront graciously provided a free lunch for all of the children who joined us for the cruise,” Donaldson said. “Each of the children also received a commemorative T-shirt compliments of the St. James City Boat Club.”
Returning to dry land at Woody’s, the children were then transported back to school to share their tales with classmates at Pine Island Elementary. Before departing for school however, the gifts continued with each child receiving chocolate, pirate masks and other treats.
The St. James City Boat Club was established in 2009 and since that time membership has been maintained at 50 boaters.
“We decided to form the SJCBC not to compete with other boat clubs, but to have a smaller club. We find that it is a lot easier to communicate and get to know each other if we limit the number of members in the club,” Donaldson said. “The club is open to all who care to join and can have their names placed on a waiting list. This entitles them to participate in all of our activities with the exception of attending meetings which are held at the home of one of our members and they do not have voting privileges, but can enjoy all of the other benefits our club provides.”
A very active group, Donaldson said the mission of his group is to enjoy time on the water and to contribute to the Pine Island community.
“We organize several outings a year. For example, we have been on trips to Key West and to the Bahamas, been deep water fishing and are currently planning a trip to Marathon to go fishing later this month and to Key West to go lobstering later this summer,” Donaldson said. “Our group not only encourages people to use their boats and enjoy group activities, but we also focus on giving back to the community. Last year we hosted the Christmas Boat Parade and contributed financially to FISH as well as the employee fund for the Low Key Tiki fire. It is our hope to continue to raise money and find new ways to help our community.”
The cost to join the St. James City Boat Club is a one time membership fee of $20 and an annul dues payment of $5 with meetings held once a month.
For more information, visit the website at