Matlacha Hookers celebrate another successful year

Nearly 100 members of the Matlacha Hookers gathered last week to celebrate a job well done during its annual Hooker Appreciation Pic Nic.
Held at Miceli’s Restaurant in Matlacha, the Hookers enjoyed a well deserved break from the hard work to just relax and enjoy each other’s company.
“The girls all work so hard to help to make a positive difference in our community, and this is our way to just get together and have some fun,” said long-time member Vicki Matsko. “Most of the time when we get together it is to plan and organize events, but this day each year is dedicated to remembering that part of what we do is to have fun.”
Over the past 12 months, the Hookers have raised thousands of dollars, which are donated back to the Pine Island community. The biggest recipient of money raised by the Hookers has benefitted the Pine Island Elementary School.
Over the last 14 years, money donated to the school helped to expand the book selection at the library, aided in replacing playground equipment and helped to purchase new technology in the form of Smart Boards, which can now be found in every classroom. The extent of such technology can be found in no other elementary school in Lee County.
The money donated to the school this year was primarily the result of the annual Pine Island Elementary Fishing Tournament and Derby held in October. As a result, the Hookers presented the school with a donation of $10,000, adding to the more than $100,000 the group has contributed over the years.
In addition to contributing funds, the Hookers also have offered hands-on assistance at the school. When it was determined that art and music would only be offered one semester each year, the Hookers decided to fill this void by offering their time and talents. For half of each school year since that time, a team of volunteers visits the school each week to offer art lessons to the entire student body free of charge.
In keeping with its motto “Hooked on Education,” each year the Hookers host a Bag and Tag sale and all of the proceeds from the rummage sale are earmarked for scholarships. Typically the Hookers present five scholarships to deserving applicants to enhance his or her educational experience.
Another way the Hookers pitch in for the benefit of the island community is through the Adopt a Road program. Among the first of its involvements, volunteers from this organization have made it their responsibility to help keep Matlacha beautiful by collecting litter along the roads several times a year.
According to Hooker Madam Arlene Stornello, her organization also assists other organizations whenever they are needed.
“Every year over the holidays, a group of the ladies get together and travel throughout Pine Island and Matlacha caroling and collecting donations to support the island organization FISH. In addition to the money we collect, we also assist FISH in wrapping gifts that are distributed to families in need at Christmas,” she said. “We also collect school supplies and purchase clothing for Pine Island Elementary School children who need them, and we also make monetary donations to the Legion for the Fourth of July fireworks, enter a team of walkers to raise money for Breast Fest and, of course, we are there to help out at all of the Matlacha Mariner fund-raisers.”
Many of the long-time members are pleased with the growth of the organization, which began when 12 island women got together and decided to form a group dedicated to making a positive difference in their community.
Today, membership to the Matlacha Hookers numbers more than 200. Among them is Sue Vorobel, who has been with the organization for the last 13 years.
“Over the years I have marveled at how the organization has grown to be financially stable, but at the same time, still manages to have a good time raising money and giving back to the community. While some would view what we do as a lot of work, we enjoy everything we do and when any need arises, you can count on Hookers to be there in any way we can,” she said. “For me, in addition to helping the island community, this has been a place where I have formed a lot of really good friendships with some really great people and I would encourage anyone to join us.”
For more information about the Matlacha Hookers, visit: