Daily traffic enforcement update
The Lee County Sheriff’s Office Traffic Unit is providing the information listed below in continuing efforts to increase traffic safety awareness and education, plus to emphasize the importance of obeying traffic laws to reduce traffic crashes, injuries and death on Lee County roads.
On Monday, May 30, 2011, the Traffic Unit will target at least one of the following three locations for enforcement:
1. Summerlin Road, Fort Myers
2. Veterans Parkway, Cape Coral
3. Homestead Road, Lehigh Acres
Locations are selected based upon high incidents of crashes, traffic surveys and citizen complaints. The Sheriff’s Office is committed to promoting traffic safety and enforcing the law. By focusing on violations such as red light running, speeding, DUI and others, motorists become more alert and are encouraged to obey traffic laws. The Sheriff’s Office Traffic Unit and District Patrol Deputies enforce our traffic laws each day by issuing citations and warnings. Preliminary results from their cumulative activity yesterday are as follows:
Citations Issued: 73
Written Warnings Issued: 287
Citizens can help by letting us know if they observe problem areas, aggressive or impaired drivers and by their compliance with the rules of the road. To get in touch with one of our traffic deputies call (239) 477-1000. If you see a reckless or drunk driver while you are traveling in your motor vehicle in Lee County, dial 9-1-1.
This traffic enforcement advisory is available each day on the Sheriff’s Office website at www.sheriffleefl.org.
Everyone is reminded to “Fasten Your Seat Belts, be courteous to drivers and pedestrians and together we can reduce traffic related fatalities, injuries and property damage.”
Note: Traffic Safety Tip of the Week – Memorial Day festivities will make this an active weekend on our roads. Motorists driving near residential neighborhoods, parks and recreation areas need to exercise caution as children can be less attentive to traffic and suddenly dart or accidentally step out in front of you. Your extra vigilance can prevent a tragedy. Remember “SLOW – Children at Play”.
Source: Lee County Sheriff’s Department
Daily traffic enforcement update
The Lee County Sheriff’s Office Traffic Unit is providing the information listed below in continuing efforts to increase traffic safety awareness and education, plus to emphasize the importance of obeying traffic laws to reduce traffic crashes, injuries and death on Lee County roads.
On Friday, May 27, 2011, the Traffic Unit will target at least one of the following three locations for enforcement:
1. Gunnery Road, Lehigh Acres
2. Business U.S. 41, North Fort Myers
3. Plantation Road, Fort Myers
Locations are selected based upon high incidents of crashes, traffic surveys and citizen complaints. The Sheriff’s Office is committed to promoting traffic safety and enforcing the law. By focusing on violations such as red light running, speeding, DUI and others, motorists become more alert and are encouraged to obey traffic laws. The Sheriff’s Office Traffic Unit and District Patrol Deputies enforce our traffic laws each day by issuing citations and warnings.
Preliminary results from their cumulative activity yesterday are as follows:
Citations Issued: 91
Written Warnings Issued: 259
Citizens can help by letting us know if they observe problem areas, aggressive or impaired drivers and by their compliance with the rules of the road. To get in touch with one of our traffic deputies call (239) 477-1000. If you see a reckless or drunk driver while you are traveling in your motor vehicle in Lee County, dial 9-1-1.
This traffic enforcement advisory is available each day on the Sheriff’s Office website at www.sheriffleefl.org.
Everyone is reminded to “Fasten Your Seat Belts, be courteous to drivers and pedestrians and together we can reduce traffic related fatalities, injuries and
property damage.”
Note: The month of May is designated as Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month. As always, safety is the focus of supporters of the awareness effort reminding motorists to “Share the Road” with motorcycles and be extra alert when driving. Research shows that per vehicle mile traveled, motorcyclists are about 37 times more likely than a passenger car occupant to die in a traffic crash. Motorcyclists are encouraged to combine hand and turn signals to draw more attention to themselves, as well as position in the lane where they will be most visible to other drivers.
Source: Lee County Sheriff’s Department
Daily traffic enforcement update
The Lee County Sheriff’s Office Traffic Unit is providing the information listed below in continuing efforts to increase traffic safety awareness and education, plus to emphasize the importance of obeying traffic laws to reduce traffic crashes, injuries and death on Lee County roads.
On Thursday, May 26, 2011, the Traffic Unit will target at least one of the following three locations for enforcement:
1. East Terry Street, Bonita Springs
2. College Parkway @ U.S. 41, Fort Myers
3. San Carlos Boulevard, Fort Myers Beach
Locations are selected based upon high incidents of crashes, traffic surveys and citizen complaints. The Sheriff’s Office is committed to promoting traffic safety and enforcing the law. By focusing on violations such as red light running, speeding, DUI and others, motorists become more alert and are encouraged to obey traffic laws. The Sheriff’s Office Traffic Unit and District Patrol Deputies enforce our traffic laws each day by issuing citations and warnings. Preliminary results from their cumulative activity yesterday are as follows:
Citations Issued: 88
Written Warnings Issued: 335
Citizens can help by letting us know if they observe problem areas, aggressive or impaired drivers and by their compliance with the rules of the road. To get in touch with one of our traffic deputies call (239) 477-1000. If you see a reckless or drunk driver while you are traveling in your motor vehicle in Lee County, dial 9-1-1.
This traffic enforcement advisory is available each day on the Sheriff’s Office website at www.sheriffleefl.org.
Everyone is reminded to “Fasten Your Seat Belts, be courteous to drivers and pedestrians and together we can reduce traffic related fatalities, injuries and property damage.”
Note: It’s Bike Safety Month and the League of American Bicyclists offer many recommendations for safe commuting. A few tips for bicyclists are: wear bright clothing; ride where drivers can see you; watch for turning vehicles and ride outside the door zone of parked cars; wear a helmet; make sure your tires are properly inflated; check your brakes, chain and quick release levers often.
Source: Lee County Sheriff’s Department
Daily traffic enforcement update
The Lee County Sheriff’s Office Traffic Unit is providing the information listed below in continuing efforts to increase traffic safety awareness and education, plus to emphasize the importance of obeying traffic laws to reduce traffic crashes, injuries and death on Lee County roads.
On Wednesday, May 25, 2011, the Traffic Unit will target at least one of the following three locations for enforcement:
1. Joel Boulevard, Lehigh Acres
2. Evergreen Road, North Fort Myers
3. U.S. 41 @ Gladiolus Drive, Fort Myers
Locations are selected based upon high incidents of crashes, traffic surveys and citizen complaints. The Sheriff’s Office is committed to promoting traffic safety and enforcing the law. By focusing on violations such as red light running, speeding, DUI and others, motorists become more alert and are encouraged to obey traffic laws. The Sheriff’s Office Traffic Unit and District Patrol Deputies enforce our traffic laws each day by issuing citations and warnings. Preliminary results from their cumulative activity yesterday are as follows:
Citations Issued: 63
Written Warnings Issued: 146
Citizens can help by letting us know if they observe problem areas, aggressive or impaired drivers and by their compliance with the rules of the road. To get in touch with one of our traffic deputies call (239) 477-1000. If you see a reckless or drunk driver while you are traveling in your motor vehicle in Lee County, dial 9-1-1.
This traffic enforcement advisory is available each day on the Sheriff’s Office website at www.sheriffleefl.org.
Everyone is reminded to “Fasten Your Seat Belts, be courteous to drivers and pedestrians and together we can reduce traffic related fatalities, injuries and property damage.”
Note: Experts agree texting, underage drinking, speeding and simply not paying attention are contributors to teen driving crashes and fatalities. May is National Youth Traffic Safety Month and the Sheriff’s Office supports efforts to raise safe driving awareness. Local parents are encouraged to have their licensed young drivers attend our Teen Driver Challenge. For more information call 477-1400 or check out the flyer on our website at www.sheriffleefl.org.
Source: Lee County Sheriff’s Department
Daily traffic enforcement update
The Lee County Sheriff’s Office Traffic Unit is providing the information listed below in continuing efforts to increase traffic safety awareness and education, plus to emphasize the importance of obeying traffic laws to reduce traffic crashes, injuries and death on Lee County roads.
On Friday, May 13, 2011, the Traffic Unit will target at least one of the following three locations for enforcement:
1. A & W Bulb Road, Fort Myers
2. Mellow Road, North Fort Myers
3. Leonard Boulevard, Lehigh Acres
Locations are selected based upon high incidents of crashes, traffic surveys and citizen complaints. The Sheriff’s Office is committed to promoting traffic safety and enforcing the law. By focusing on violations such as red light running, speeding, DUI and others, motorists become more alert and are encouraged to obey traffic laws. The Sheriff’s Office Traffic Unit and District Patrol Deputies enforce our traffic laws each day by issuing citations and warnings.
Preliminary results from their cumulative activity yesterday are as follows:
Citations Issued: 62
Written Warnings Issued: 193
Citizens can help by letting us know if they observe problem areas, aggressive or impaired drivers and by their compliance with the rules of the road. To get in touch with one of our traffic deputies call (239) 477-1000. If you see a reckless or drunk driver while you are traveling in your motor vehicle in Lee County, dial 9-1-1.
This traffic enforcement advisory is available each day on the Sheriff’s Office website at www.sheriffleefl.org.
Everyone is reminded to “Fasten Your Seat Belts, be courteous to drivers and pedestrians and together we can reduce traffic related fatalities, injuries and property damage.”
Note: The month of May is designated as Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month. As always, safety is the focus of supporters of the awareness effort reminding motorists to “Share the Road” with motorcycles and be extra alert when driving. Research shows that per vehicle mile traveled, motorcyclists are about 37 times more likely than a passenger car occupant to die in a traffic crash. Motorcyclists are encouraged to combine hand and turn signals to draw more attention to themselves, as well as position in the lane where they will be most visible to other drivers.
Source: Lee County Sheriff’s Department
Daily traffic enforcement update
The Lee County Sheriff’s Office Traffic Unit is providing the information listed below in continuing efforts to increase traffic safety awareness and education, plus to emphasize the importance of obeying traffic laws to reduce traffic crashes, injuries and death on Lee County roads.
On Thursday, May 12, 2011, the Traffic Unit will target at least one of the following three locations for enforcement:
1. South Cleveland Avenue (U.S. 41), Fort Myers
2. Bonita Grande Drive, Bonita Springs
3. Cypress Lake Drive @McGregor Boulevard, Fort Myers
Locations are selected based upon high incidents of crashes, traffic surveys and citizen complaints. The Sheriff’s Office is committed to promoting traffic safety and enforcing the law. By focusing on violations such as red light running, speeding, DUI and others, motorists become more alert and are encouraged to obey traffic laws. The Sheriff’s Office Traffic Unit and District Patrol Deputies enforce our traffic laws each day by issuing citations and warnings. Preliminary results from their cumulative activity yesterday are as follows:
Citations Issued: 124
Written Warnings Issued: 156
Citizens can help by letting us know if they observe problem areas, aggressive or impaired drivers and by their compliance with the rules of the road. To get in touch with one of our traffic deputies call (239) 477-1000. If you see a reckless or drunk driver while you are traveling in your motor vehicle in Lee County, dial 9-1-1.
This traffic enforcement advisory is available each day on the Sheriff’s Office website at www.sheriffleefl.org.
Everyone is reminded to “Fasten Your Seat Belts, be courteous to drivers and pedestrians and together we can reduce traffic related fatalities, injuries and property damage.”
Note: May is National Youth Traffic Safety Month. Automobile crashes remain the #1 cause of death among teens. The National Organizations for Youth Safety (www.noys.org) recognize with the excitement of prom, graduation and the upcoming end of the school year, teens can easily become distracted. It everyone’s hope the awareness campaign will promote safe driving among those at risk. Parents can enroll their licensed teens in the Teen Driving Challenge, a program conducted each month by the Sheriff’s Office where the young drivers are taught safe driving habits and practice them on a closed course. Call 477-1400 for more information.
Source: Lee County Sheriff’s Department
Daily traffic enforcement update
The Lee County Sheriff’s Office Traffic Unit is providing the information listed below in continuing efforts to increase traffic safety awareness and education, plus to emphasize the importance of obeying traffic laws to reduce traffic crashes, injuries and death on Lee County roads.
On Wednesday, May 11, 2011, the Traffic Unit will target at least one of the following three locations for enforcement:
1. Daniels Parkway, Fort Myers
2. Beth Stacey Boulevard, Lehigh Acres
3. Corkscrew Road, Estero
Locations are selected based upon high incidents of crashes, traffic surveys and citizen complaints. The Sheriff’s Office is committed to promoting traffic safety and enforcing the law. By focusing on violations such as red light running, speeding, DUI and others, motorists become more alert and are encouraged to obey traffic laws. The Sheriff’s Office Traffic Unit and District Patrol Deputies enforce our traffic laws each day by issuing citations and warnings. Preliminary results from their cumulative activity yesterday are as follows:
Citations Issued: 49
Written Warnings Issued: 107
Citizens can help by letting us know if they observe problem areas, aggressive or impaired drivers and by their compliance with the rules of the road. To get in touch with one of our traffic deputies call (239) 477-1000. If you see a reckless or drunk driver while you are traveling in your motor vehicle in Lee County, dial 9-1-1.
This traffic enforcement advisory is available each day on the Sheriff’s Office website at www.sheriffleefl.org.
Everyone is reminded to “Fasten Your Seat Belts, be courteous to drivers and pedestrians and together we can reduce traffic related fatalities, injuries and property damage.”
Note: This weekend, the Lee County Sheriff’s Office Traffic Unit, will conduct D.U.I. “saturation” patrols in undisclosed locations of Lee County. These roving patrols are an enhancement to the daily commitment of our deputies to remove impaired drivers from our roadways with the ultimate goal of reducing traffic related crashes, injuries and fatalities. Saturation patrols are one of many education and enforcement initiatives scheduled throughout the year to combat drunk driving. Remember, “Over the Limit. Under Arrest.”
Source: Lee County Sheriff’s Department
Daily traffic enforcement update
The Lee County Sheriff’s Office Traffic Unit is providing the information listed below in continuing efforts to increase traffic safety awareness and education, plus to emphasize the importance of obeying traffic laws to reduce traffic crashes, injuries and death on Lee County roads.
On Tuesday, May 10, 2011, the Traffic Unit will target at least one of the following three locations for enforcement:
1. San Carlos Boulevard, Fort Myers Beach
2. Summerlin Road, Fort Myers
3. Laurel Lane, North Fort Myers
Locations are selected based upon high incidents of crashes, traffic surveys and citizen complaints. The Sheriff’s Office is committed to promoting traffic safety and enforcing the law. By focusing on violations such as red light running, speeding, DUI and others, motorists become more alert and are encouraged to obey traffic laws. The Sheriff’s Office Traffic Unit and District Patrol Deputies enforce our traffic laws each day by issuing citations and warnings. Preliminary results from their cumulative activity yesterday are as follows:
Citations Issued: 28
Written Warnings Issued: 106
Citizens can help by letting us know if they observe problem areas, aggressive or impaired drivers and by their compliance with the rules of the road. To get in touch with one of our traffic deputies call (239) 477-1000. If you see a reckless or drunk driver while you are traveling in your motor vehicle in Lee County, dial 9-1-1.
This traffic enforcement advisory is available each day on the Sheriff’s Office website at www.sheriffleefl.org.
Everyone is reminded to “Fasten Your Seat Belts, be courteous to drivers and pedestrians and together we can reduce traffic related fatalities, injuries and property damage.”
Note: Experts agree that texting, underage drinking, speeding and simply not paying attention are contributors to teen driving crashes and fatalities. May is National Youth Traffic Safety Month and the Sheriff’s Office supports efforts to raise safe driving awareness. Local parents are encouraged to have their licensed young drivers attend our Teen Driver Challenge. For more information call 477-1400 or check out the flyer on our website at www.sheriffleefl.org.
Source: Lee County Sheriff’s Department
Daily traffic enforcement update
The Lee County Sheriff’s Office Traffic Unit is providing the information listed below in continuing efforts to increase traffic safety awareness and education, plus to emphasize the importance of obeying traffic laws to reduce traffic crashes, injuries and death on Lee County roads.
On Monday, May 9, 2011, the Traffic Unit will target at least one of the following three locations for enforcement:
1. Woodland Boulevard, Fort Myers
2. Leeland Heights Boulevard, Lehigh Acres
3. Pennsylvania Avenue, Bonita Springs
Locations are selected based upon high incidents of crashes, traffic surveys and citizen complaints. The Sheriff’s Office is committed to promoting traffic safety and enforcing the law. By focusing on violations such as red light running, speeding, DUI and others, motorists become more alert and are encouraged to obey traffic laws. The Sheriff’s Office Traffic Unit and District Patrol Deputies enforce our traffic laws each day by issuing citations and warnings. Preliminary results from their cumulative activity yesterday are as follows:
Citations Issued: 67
Written Warnings Issued: 163
Citizens can help by letting us know if they observe problem areas, aggressive or impaired drivers and by their compliance with the rules of the road. To get in touch with one of our traffic deputies call (239) 477-1000. If you see a reckless or drunk driver while you are traveling in your motor vehicle in Lee County, dial 9-1-1.
This traffic enforcement advisory is available each day on the Sheriff’s Office website at www.sheriffleefl.org.
Everyone is reminded to “Fasten Your Seat Belts, be courteous to drivers and pedestrians and together we can reduce traffic related fatalities, injuries and property damage.”
Note: Traffic Safety Tip of the Week: May is Youth Traffic Safety Month. Lee County Sheriff Mike Scott reminds everyone, proms, graduations and the anticipation of summer become central in teen minds. With the excitement, traffic safety can take a back seat to responsible driving. Remind and encourage our driving teens to stay focused on the cars and trucks around them and the road before them. Parents can enroll their licensed teens in the Teen Driving Challenge, a program conducted each month by the Sheriff’s Office where the young drivers are taught safe driving habits and practice them on a closed course. Call 477-1400 for more information.
Source: Lee County Sheriff’s Department
Daily traffic enforcement update
The Lee County Sheriff’s Office Traffic Unit is providing the information listed below in continuing efforts to increase traffic safety awareness and education, plus to emphasize the importance of obeying traffic laws to reduce traffic crashes, injuries and death on Lee County roads.
On Friday, May 6, 2011, the Traffic Unit will target at least one of the following three locations for enforcement:
1. Pine Ridge Road, Fort Myers
2. Business U.S. 41, Bonita Springs
3. Homestead Road, Lehigh Acres
Locations are selected based upon high incidents of crashes, traffic surveys and citizen complaints. The Sheriff’s Office is committed to promoting traffic safety and enforcing the law. By focusing on violations such as red light running, speeding, DUI and others, motorists become more alert and are encouraged to obey traffic laws. The Sheriff’s Office Traffic Unit and District Patrol Deputies enforce our traffic laws each day by issuing citations and warnings.
Preliminary results from their cumulative activity yesterday are as follows:
Citations Issued: 72
Written Warnings Issued: 185
Citizens can help by letting us know if they observe problem areas, aggressive or impaired drivers and by their compliance with the rules of the road. To get in touch with one of our traffic deputies call (239) 477-1000. If you see a reckless or drunk driver while you are traveling in your motor vehicle in Lee County, dial 9-1-1.
This traffic enforcement advisory is available each day on the Sheriff’s Office website at www.sheriffleefl.org.
Everyone is reminded to “Fasten Your Seat Belts, be courteous to drivers and pedestrians and together we can reduce traffic related fatalities, injuries and property damage.”
Note: May is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month. Don’t be fooled by a flashing turn signal on a motorcycle — motorcycle signals are often
not self-canceling and riders sometimes forget to turn them off. Wait to be sure the motorcycle is going to turn before you proceed.
Source: Lee County Sheriff’s Department
Daily traffic enforcement update
The Lee County Sheriff’s Office Traffic Unit is providing the information listed below in continuing efforts to increase traffic safety awareness and education, plus to emphasize the importance of obeying traffic laws to reduce traffic crashes, injuries and death on Lee County roads.
On Thursday, May 5, 2011, the Traffic Unit will target at least one of the following three locations for enforcement:
1. North Cleveland Avenue (U.S. 41), North Fort Myers
2. Phlox Drive, Fort Myers
3. Three Oaks Parkway, Fort Myers
Locations are selected based upon high incidents of crashes, traffic surveys and citizen complaints. The Sheriff’s Office is committed to promoting traffic safety and enforcing the law. By focusing on violations such as red light running, speeding, DUI and others, motorists become more alert and are encouraged to obey traffic laws. The Sheriff’s Office Traffic Unit and District Patrol Deputies enforce our traffic laws each day by issuing citations and warnings. Preliminary results from their cumulative activity yesterday are as follows:
Citations Issued: 70
Written Warnings Issued: 149
Citizens can help by letting us know if they observe problem areas, aggressive or impaired drivers and by their compliance with the rules of the road. To get in touch with one of our traffic deputies call (239) 477-1000. If you see a reckless or drunk driver while you are traveling in your motor vehicle in Lee County, dial 9-1-1.
This traffic enforcement advisory is available each day on the Sheriff’s Office website at www.sheriffleefl.org.
Everyone is reminded to “Fasten Your Seat Belts, be courteous to drivers and pedestrians and together we can reduce traffic related fatalities, injuries and property damage.”
Note: This weekend the Lee County Sheriff’s Office Traffic Unit will conduct D.U.I. “saturation” patrols in undisclosed locations of Lee County. These roving patrols are an enhancement to the daily commitment of our deputies to remove impaired drivers from our roadways with the ultimate goal of reducing traffic related crashes, injuries and fatalities. Saturation patrols are one of many education and enforcement initiatives scheduled throughout the year to combat drunk driving. Remember, “Over the Limit. Under Arrest.”
Source: Lee County Sheriff’s Department
Daily traffic enforcement update
The Lee County Sheriff’s Office Traffic Unit is providing the information listed below in continuing efforts to increase traffic safety awareness and education, plus to emphasize the importance of obeying traffic laws to reduce traffic crashes, injuries and death on Lee County roads.
On Wednesday, May 4, 2011, the Traffic Unit will target at least one of the following three locations for enforcement:
1. Winkler Road, Fort Myers
2. Gunnery Road, Lehigh Acres
3. West Terry Street, Bonita Springs
Locations are selected based upon high incidents of crashes, traffic surveys and citizen complaints. The Sheriff’s Office is committed to promoting traffic safety and enforcing the law. By focusing on violations such as red light running, speeding, DUI and others, motorists become more alert and are encouraged to obey traffic laws. The Sheriff’s Office Traffic Unit and District Patrol Deputies enforce our traffic laws each day by issuing citations and warnings. Preliminary results from their cumulative activity yesterday are as follows:
Citations Issued: 25
Written Warnings Issued: 105
Citizens can help by letting us know if they observe problem areas, aggressive or impaired drivers and by their compliance with the rules of the road. To get in touch with one of our traffic deputies call (239) 477-1000. If you see a reckless or drunk driver while you are traveling in your motor vehicle in Lee County, dial 9-1-1.
This traffic enforcement advisory is available each day on the Sheriff’s Office website at www.sheriffleefl.org.
Everyone is reminded to “Fasten Your Seat Belts, be courteous to drivers and pedestrians and together we can reduce traffic related fatalities, injuries and property damage.”
Note: May is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month. Remember the motorcycle is a vehicle with all of the rights and privileges of any other motor vehicle on the roadway. Always allow a motorcyclist the full lane width – – never try to share a lane.
Source: Lee County Sheriff’s Department
Daily traffic enforcement update
The Lee County Sheriff’s Office Traffic Unit is providing the information listed below in continuing efforts to increase traffic safety awareness and education, plus to emphasize the importance of obeying traffic laws to reduce traffic crashes, injuries and death on Lee County roads.
On Tuesday, May 3, 2011, the Traffic Unit will target at least one of the following three locations for enforcement:
1. River Ranch Road, Estero
2. Commerce Lakes Drive, Fort Myers
3. Pondella Road, North Fort Myers
Locations are selected based upon high incidents of crashes, traffic surveys and citizen complaints. The Sheriff’s Office is committed to promoting traffic safety and enforcing the law. By focusing on violations such as red light running, speeding, DUI and others, motorists become more alert and are encouraged to obey traffic laws. The Sheriff’s Office Traffic Unit and District Patrol Deputies enforce our traffic laws each day by issuing citations and warnings. Preliminary results from their cumulative activity yesterday are as follows:
Citations Issued: 53
Written Warnings Issued: 151
Citizens can help by letting us know if they observe problem areas, aggressive or impaired drivers and by their compliance with the rules of the road. To get in touch with one of our traffic deputies call (239) 477-1000. If you see a reckless or drunk driver while you are traveling in your motor vehicle in Lee County, dial 9-1-1.
This traffic enforcement advisory is available each day on the Sheriff’s Office website at www.sheriffleefl.org.
Everyone is reminded to “Fasten Your Seat Belts, be courteous to drivers and pedestrians and together we can reduce traffic related fatalities, injuries and property damage.”
Note: Spring break is over and students and faculty are back in full-swing at Lee County schools during the week. Allow extra time to reach your destinations during the morning and afternoons when roads become busy and congested. Our youth are going to and from school by car, bicycles, skateboards and on foot. Stay alert and don’t allow distractions to divert your attention from the road ahead.
Source: Lee County Sheriff’s Department
Daily traffic enforcement update
The Lee County Sheriff’s Office Traffic Unit is providing the information listed below in continuing efforts to increase traffic safety awareness and education, plus to emphasize the importance of obeying traffic laws to reduce traffic crashes, injuries and death on Lee County roads.
On Monday, May 2, 2011, the Traffic Unit will target at least one of the following three locations for enforcement:
1. College Parkway @ U.S. 41, Fort Myers
2. Diplomat Parkway, Cape Coral
3. Dean Street, Bonita Springs
Locations are selected based upon high incidents of crashes, traffic surveys and citizen complaints. The Sheriff’s Office is committed to promoting traffic safety and enforcing the law. By focusing on violations such as red light running, speeding, DUI and others, motorists become more alert and are encouraged to obey traffic laws. The Sheriff’s Office Traffic Unit and District Patrol Deputies enforce our traffic laws each day by issuing citations and warnings. Preliminary results from their cumulative activity yesterday are as follows:
Citations Issued: 58
Written Warnings Issued: 160
Citizens can help by letting us know if they observe problem areas, aggressive or impaired drivers and by their compliance with the rules of the road. To get in touch with one of our traffic deputies call (239) 477-1000. If you see a reckless or drunk driver while you are traveling in your motor vehicle in Lee County, dial 9-1-1.
This traffic enforcement advisory is available each day on the Sheriff’s Office website at www.sheriffleefl.org.
Everyone is reminded to “Fasten Your Seat Belts, be courteous to drivers and pedestrians and together we can reduce traffic related fatalities, injuries and property damage.”
Note: Traffic Safety Tip of the Week: The month of May is designated as Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month. As always, safety is the focus of supporters of the awareness effort reminding motorists to “Share the Road” with motorcycles and be extra alert when driving. Research shows that per vehicle mile traveled, motorcyclists are about 37 times more likely than a passenger car occupant to die in a traffic crash. Motorcyclists are encouraged to combine hand and turn signals to draw more attention to themselves, as well as position in the lane where they will be most visible to other drivers. Look for more tips in our daily traffic notes coming up throughout the month.
Source: Lee County Sheriff’s Department