
Grads to be highlighted in the Eagle

3 min read

Days of hard work, studies, socializing and cramming for exams is nearly over for many island students as the end of the school years quickly approaches. At this time, the Pine Island Eagles staff is extending an invitation to those students, who will be highlighted in the pages of their community newspaper. This is an opportunity to share with those who helped along the arduous path that led to graduation. Readers of the Eagle will learn about the student’s accomplishments as well as future plans with information provided first hand by those who will be graduating from local high schools, trade schools or institutions of higher learning.

Grads are asked to provide The Eagle staff with information in the form of a biography as well as about the student’s grade point average and academic accomplishments and honors as well as involvement in sports, club memberships, volunteers activities and school politics. The Eagle staff also would like to know about memberships to academic groups such as honor societies and JROTC. Information about extracurricular activities and hobbies as well as current community involvement including any positions held in the workforce. We would also like to know what you will be doing after graduation, so include information if you are planning to pursue a higher education. If so, share the school or institution planned to attend and the course of study as well as what you intend to do with a degree once it is acquired. If you plan to pursue a career after graduation, tell us what you will be doing or if you plan to enlist in the armed services, what branch of the military you are interested in.

A picture of each of the graduates also is asked, however, in keeping with copyright laws, if the photo submitted was taken by a professional photographer or comes from a photography studio, it must be accompanied by a copyright release for one-time use issued by the photographer or the studio. This includes proofs as well as photos purchased by the students or family members. The photo submitted need not be one that was taken by a professional and color family photos of the graduate will be accepted as well.

When submitting information for The Eagle, please be sure to include a contact name and number in the event the editor has any questions about the submission.

Submit your information at the Pine Island Eagle office located just north of the island center in the Island Exchange building during regular business hours, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, or mail the information to The Pine Island Eagle, Attention Editor, 10700 Stringfellow Road, Suite 60, Bokeelia, Fl, 33922.

The deadline for submissions will be no later than Tuesday, May 31, for a June feature. Take this opportunity to stand in the spotlight, share with friends, neighbors, family and loved ones your accomplishments and visions of the future and how they have helped you along on your journey to adulthood.

Any questions, call the Pine Island Eagle at 283-2022 or 283-2260.