Register now for the 13th annual Bobby Holloway Jr. Memorial Fishing Tournament
Among the most popular fishing events of the season, later this month area anglers will vie for cash prizes and bragging rights during the 13th annual Bobby Holloway Jr. Memorial Fishing Tournament.
“We are encouraging fishermen and women to register early this year so that they will be sure to have a slot in this year’s event,” said Bobby Board member Elsie Stearns. “This tournament gets more and more popular among anglers and this year we anticipate record numbers to turn out.”
This year’s tournament, Pine Island’s longest running fishing tournament, will take place on Saturday, March 26, and will be staged once again at the Lee County Fisherman’s Co-op in St. James City. This catch-and-release tournament is open to all anglers both professional and non-professional and cash prizes will be awarded for the top finishers of the event. The registration fee for this year’s event will be $200 per boat of four anglers including a guide. Each additional angler will pay $50 each to participate. The registration fee also includes an official tournament T-shirt for every registered angler, ramp and parking fees, and a Captain’s Bag as well as a complimentary fish fry and barbecue to take place during the final weigh-in. Anglers can register, provided slots are still available, up March 19. The prizes for this year’s tournament will be $1,000 for first place sponsored by Stearns Custom Builders, $600 for second place sponsored by Goldberg, Racila, D’Alessandro and Noone Attorneys at Law. $400 for third place sponsored by A/C Medic 911, $200 for fourth place sponsored by Southern Tradition Bushhog and Mowing and fifth place will receive a free entry in next year’s tournament. An additional prize will be awarded for the angler who brings in the redfish with the most spots. This category is sponsored by HONC Industries and is open to both adults and youth participating during the tournament. The redfish with the most spots can be in addition to fish weighted in by a team.
According to the event organizers, tournament rules must be strictly observed or may be grounds to disqualify a participant if any of the rules are broken. The day will begin with a shotgun start at 7:30 a.m. one half mile southwest of Demere Key and fish may be brought to the scales at the Fisherman’s Co-op beginning at 11 a.m. to be checked by the official weighmaster.
All Florida fishing laws must be observed and will be strictly enforced. Each team may weigh in only one redfish, two trout and one mystery fish to be announced during the Captain’s meeting which will take place prior to the event. All youth anglers are eligible to have their catch included in a team total weight and the total combined weight of all four fish brought to the scales by a team will determine the winner of the event. Only live fish will be weighed in with the exception of the mystery fish. In the case of a tie, the first team to post a total score will be declared the winner. No fishing will be permitted in the Demere Canal and all decisions by the Tournament Director will be final.
Registration forms are available at Southwest Capital Bank at the island center or can be downloaded on-line at Completed forms can be returned to Southwest Capital or faxed to 283-9797. For more information, call Bobby Board members, Ernestine Squires at 281-8225, Ralph Herring at 283-2918 or Chris Dhome at 344-6159.