
Meet author Deb Luten Feb. 26

3 min read

Another Pine Island resident adds to the long list of area published book authors. Recently released is the new book “Divine Inspiration, Divine Understanding” by Deb Luten. Describing her work, Luten said her book is an expression of many of life’s situation we are all facing.

Luten will be staging her first book signing later this month at Little Lilly’s Island Deli just north of the island center in the Island Exchange building on Friday, Feb. 26, from 5 to 7 p.m.

“We are inviting everyone to stop in at the deli to meet Deb, chat with her about her book and share a bit of food and drink to help us celebrate the release of her new book,” said deli co-owner Robin Lilly.

“It (the book) discusses where we have been, where we are going and the common issues we face each day,” said Luten. “In these changing times, many of us are looking within ourselves, we are asking questions, we are looking for answers and we are finding out our old belief systems are no longer fully serving our needs. Now is the time to discover your potential and to find your inner strength and purpose, there is more to life than meets the eye.”

Luten is a channel, Reiki teacher/healer, Feng Shui consultant/teacher, earth energy worker and writer. She has 12 years of practical experience working in the metaphysical realm as a mentor, writer and explorer of the metaphysical. According to Luten, she was compelled to write Divine Inspiration, Divine Understanding to address many of the problems and questions we all have about the rapidly shifting energies that surround us.

“Are you concerned with what is happening in your life, neighborhood, country and the world at large? Do you wish you had a better understanding of your role in all of this drama? Would you like a little reassurance that in the end you will be OK? It is my hope that through consideration, visualization and teaching, many more will begin to understand and seek the comfort of this message. There is oh so much more to come forward into your lifetime of experiences, but you must assume responsibility and take the initiative,” said Luten. “People can begin to change their thought patterns now and choose the easier path for themselves in this new future. I urge my readers to begin now because ‘the now’ is what is important and to be mindful because each person is the only person aware of what goals they are building toward and movie forward with intent.”

Luten said that her goal with Divine Inspiration, Divine Understanding is to provide insight and provoke thought and consideration for many of the very important, earthly and metaphysical issues all are facing today with clarity and real life examples.

To obtain a copy of Divine Inspiration, Divine Understanding visit, or