Red Cross has resources for those looking for loved ones in Haiti
The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has launched a Family Links Website aimed at enabling persons in Haiti and abroad to register the names of relatives with whom they are striving to restore contact. It will progressively incorporate information offering responses to those queries. Persons seeking news from their loved ones can therefore register the name of the sought persons directly on the site at:
The information given on this website is not confidential and can be viewed by anyone.
The majority of postings on the FamilyLinks website are from people who are searching for loved ones.
As the Red Cross in Haiti is able to collection information on those who are safe and well, we expect to see more “safe and well” postings from Haiti. We do not know when this will happen, but Tracing specialists are in Haiti, and this is a priority.
Anyone without access to a computer or phone is encouraged to visit the Lee County Red Cross at 6310 Techster Blvd #7, Fort Myers, FL 33966.
Instructions for using the FamilyLinks website
First search The List. Try various spellings of the name.
If your relative is not on the list, click on “Register Your Relative”
Family members should search The List regularly to see if their loved one has registered.
If there are multiple search results, multiple people may be seeking the same individual and could have extra information.
Inquiries regarding US Citizens living or traveling in Haiti
Inquiries concerning U.S. Citizens abroad should be referred to the U.S. Department of State, Office of Overseas Citizens services, at 1-888-407-4747 or 202-647-5225
The Department of State has received a high volume of calls concerning the welfare of US citizens in Haiti. Inquiries for US citizens can also be sent to with the following information:
Ø Full name, date of birth, and passport info (if known) of the persons in Haiti you are trying to contact
Ø Their contact info in Haiti – telephone numbers, email addresses, hotel name and address (if known)
Ø Inquirer’s name and contact information and relationship to the person in Haiti
Ø Any special or emergency circumstances
Referral information for US Citizens in Haiti
U.S. citizens are urged to contact the Embassy via email at to request assistance. U.S. citizens in Haiti can call the Embassy’s Consular Task Force at 509-2229-8942, 509-2229-8089, 509-2229-8322, or 509-2229-8672.
For additional information on International Disaster Family Linking
Voice of America has expanded daily Creole Service programming in Haiti from 1.5 hours daily to 5 hours. They have established a special call in number for people to leave messages for their loved ones that will be broadcast in Haiti. 202.205.9942, extension 42
Google has launched a “Person Finder” tool to allow people from all nationalities and locations to find and share information. .
CNN is compiling a list of resources for families seeking loved ones.
You can help the victims of countless crises, like the recent earthquake in Haiti, around the world each year by making a financial gift to the American Red Cross International Response Fund, which will provide immediate relief and long-term support through supplies, technical assistance and other support to help those in need. The American Red Cross honors donor intent. If you wish to designate your donation to a specific disaster, please do so at the time of your donation by mailing your donation with the designation to the American Red Cross, P.O. Box 37243, Washington, D.C. 20013 or to your local American Red Cross chapter. Donations to the International Response Fund can be made by phone at 1-800-REDCROSS or 1-800-257-7575 (Spanish) or online at>
Source: American Red Cross, Lee County Chapter