H1N1 clinics are now open to everyone in Lee County Priority groups lifted
Things to know before you come to a clinic:
– No need to come early, wait times are shorter for those that come a bit later.
– No medical documentation is required
– No residency documentation is required
– Volunteers are needed for these additional clinic sites. To sign up to be a volunteer, call United Way 211 by dialing 2-1-1, download an application from www.LeeEOC.com or pick one up at your local library. The application can be submitted directly online, or you can fax or mail it (information located on the application form).
An increased supply in H1N1 vaccine now allows the Lee County Health Department to offer the immunization to those individuals not previously in one of the priority groups.
For the three remaining H1N1 clinics, the health department will still offer H1N1 vaccinations for those in the priority groups and boosters for children 9 years and younger. However, healthy individuals of any age and those over the age of 65 are now being offered the opportunity to receive the vaccine as well.
“Additional allocations of H1N1 vaccine have become available and as promised, we are now able to welcome all residents at this time who would like to be vaccinated. Also, we remind parents that for those children 9 years of age and younger they need a booster vaccine to be thoroughly immunized,” said Dr. Judith A. Hartner, director of the Lee County Health Department, on Friday.
According to the CDC guidelines, the booster H1N1 vaccination should be about 28 days after the first dose; therefore, for the clinic being hosted on Saturday the child should have been originally vaccinated on or before Nov. 7, 2009.
H1N1 vaccinations will take place:
– Monday, Dec. 7: Lehigh Senior High School from 4 to 9 p.m., 901 Gunnery Road, Lehigh Acres
– Saturday, Dec. 12: Estero High School from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., 21900 River Ranch Road, Estero