Local Boy Scout achieves highest Eagle rank

Grantt Conlyn, a 2009 graduate of Bishop Verot High School in Fort Myers and former Pine Island resident, was awarded the prestigious Boy Scout rank of Eagle at his Court of Honor on May 23, 2009 at the Pine Island United Methodist Church.
Conlyn has been a member of Pine Island Scout Troop 20 throughout his scouting career. In 2008, he completed the final requirement for Eagle Scout, which is the Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project. This project is the opportunity for a Scout to demonstrate leadership of others while performing a project for the benefit of his community. This is the culmination of the Eagle Scout candidate’s leadership training and requires a significant effort. Grantt’s project consisted of building nine picnic tables that were then donated to the local park service. Grantt developed the building plans, arranged for all materials to be donated by local businesses, and organized and managed the team of Boy Scouts and adults to build the tables.
Eagle Scout is the highest rank attainable in the Boy Scouting program. Since its introduction in 1911, the Eagle Scout rank has been earned by more than 1.7 million young men. The title of Eagle Scout is held for life. Requirements include earning at least 21 merit badges and demonstrating Scout Spirit, service, and leadership. Eagle Scouts are presented with a medal and a badge that visibly recognizes the accomplishments of the Scout. Additional recognition can be earned through Eagle Palms, awarded for completing additional tenure, leadership, and merit badge requirements.
Famous Eagle Scouts can be found in leadership positions in many professions and industries. Examples include Neil Armstrong, first man on the moon; President Gerald R. Ford; Bill Gates, CEO and founder of Microsoft; Ross Perot, founder of Perot Systems Corp. and former presidential candidate; and Steven Spielberg, Academy Award winning film director.
Conlyn’s Eagle Court of Honor was held May 23, 2009 at the Pine Island United Methodist Church (PIUMC) and attended by family, friends and fellow Scouts. After a flag ceremony performed by other members of Scout Troop 20, the Boy Scout Prayer was read, followed by awarding the Eagle medal and badge. A plague of recognition was also presented with words of encouragement by Roy Maddock, representing the United Methodist Men. PIUMC provides support and meeting facilities to Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts of Pine Island.
The Boy Scouts provide a year-round program for boys ages 11 to 18. Through the Boy Scout program, young men can achieve the core objectives of strengthening character, personal fitness and good citizenship. Scouts are the nation’s foremost youth program for character development and values-based leadership training. Activities include camping, fishing and other badge-related activities to develop these life and leadership skills. Cub Scouts are for younger boys, ages 6 to 11. There is an active Cub pack on Pine Island for these ages as well.
Boy Scout meetings are held at the Pine Island United Methodist Church at 7 p.m. on most Mondays during the school year. In addition to several weekend camping trips throughout the school year, the boys also attend a week-long camp after school ends. At this summer camp, they have the opportunity to work toward a number of badges required to achieve the prestigious Eagle Scout Badge. There is no cost for young men to join or participate in these activities. Local charitable groups and donors, as well as proceeds from the aluminum can recycling trailer (located by the Elks Club), support the activities.
For more information on the Boy Scouts of Pine Island, please contact Mike Taylor, Scoutmaster, at 239-898-0657. For information on Cub Scouts, please contact Mark Haffner, Cubmaster, at 239-565-1655.