Kiwanis awards over $200,000 in scholarships to graduates

In the midst of this horrible economy, The Kiwanis Club of Greater Pine Island is so proud to have awarded each of 15 local graduates with a $1,000 scholarship again this year.
Some may say $1,000 is not a lot of money, but to the young people on Pine Island that is just not true. It helps with books, tuition, supplies and related expenses.
The Kiwanis have a process, which the applicant must follow. Each must provide letters of reference, grades, and interview with scholarship committee and must have attended Pine Island Elementary School or have lived on Pine Island.
The Kiwanis Club of Greater Pine Island is made up of about 20 members. All of who are volunteers, some are retired, and some own their own businesses and some work at local businesses, but all make time for the youth of Pine Island.
“All of our members and volunteers work extremely hard throughout the year, selling Tervis Tumblers, Fish Drop tickets, and work at their two annual fund-raisers. Taste of Pine Island and Kiwanis Workforce at Waterfront Restaurant. Both of these events are held right on Pine Island. These two events raised enough money to present a $1,000 scholarship to each of this year’s 15 Pine Island applicants.” Taste Chairman, Pat Burman said.
“We do all of this without paid administrators, we are all volunteers. Most of our members no longer have kids at home. But that doesn’t stop them from spending their weekends working at an event to raise money or educate the public about what the Kiwanis Club does for our youth and community”.
Becoming a member of the Kiwanis today will help a local Pine Island young person tomorrow. Support the Kiwanis events and make it possible to help so many local young people and other community organizations.
As our slogan is: “Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to changing the world one child and one community at a time” This is so true” said Pat.
In conjunction with the scholarships the club also helps others organizations and functions like:
– The Pine Island Fire Academy Scholarship fund
– Pine Island Junior Olympics, which has been Chaired by Mike Shevlin for the last 25 years
– Pine Island Kids Halloween Party, Chaired by Peggy Cozadd and Co-chaired by Pat Burman
– Fourth of July Parade, Chaired by Mike Shevlin and Co-chaired by George Birmingham
– Student Education Trips
– Pine Island Little League
– Mariner High School Project Graduation
– Fellow Islanders Sending Help (FISH)
– Mariner High School Band
– Pine Island Elementary Outstanding Student Awards, Chaired by Mike Shevlin and Co-chaired by Carlyn Herring
– Pine Island Bike Path Oasis
– Church Youth Groups
– Pine Island Beacon of Hope
This year’s scholarship committee was made up of six members:
Chairman – Walt Wszolek Retired
Committee – Carlyn Herring Agent with C-21 Realty, Inc. in St. James City
Randy Briggs – Librarian at Pine Island Library
Doreen Schooley Owner of Tropical Kitchens
Lisa Benton Administrator with the PI Chamber of Commerce
Pat Burman Owner of Ad&PrintCraft in Bokeelia
This year’s $1,000 scholarship recipients were as follows:
Kasey Davis, resident of Bokeelia will attend the University of Tampa, his studies will be in the field of Civil Government or Law.
Maggie Swistak, resident of Bokeelia, will attend Edison State College, her studies will be in the field of EMT/Paramedic.
Amanda Teets, resident of Bokeelia will attend Eckerd College, her studies will be in Pharmacy.
Robert Rodgers, resident of Bokeelia will attend Florida State University, his studies will be in the field of Social Science, possible Law.
Justin Wentz, resident of Bokeelia will attend Edison State College, his studies will be in the field of Fire Fighting and EMT.
Jessica Gera, resident of St. James City will attend Edison State College, her studies will be in the field of Nursing.
Brigit Russo, resident of St. James City will attend the University of South Florida, her studies will be in the field of Language or Music Teacher.
Christie Larrimore, resident of St. James City will attend Santa Fe Community College, her studies will be in the field of Veterinarian.
Reanna Edwards, resident of St. James City will attend Florida Gulf Coast University, her studies will be in the field of Wildlife Biology.
Caitlin Holloway, resident of Pine Island will attend Edison State College, her studies will be in the field of Fashion Merchandising.
Christin Frahm, resident of St. James City will attend Edison State College, her studies will be in the field of Early Education.
Clayton Baker, resident of St. James City will attend NASCAR Technical Institution, his studies will be in the field of Mechanic Specialties
Leslie Boucherle, resident of St. James will attend the University of Florida, her studies will be in the field of Childhood Psychology.
Michaela Smith, resident of St. James City will attend Florida Gulf Coast University, her studies will be in the field of Medical Research.
Hector Martinez, resident of St. James City will attend Edison State College, his studies will be in the field of Business Administration.
The committee was honored to have interviewed all of these young adults. We found them all very sure of themselves and they knew exactly what they wanted to do in the future.
The community and businesses of Pine Island, along with the parents of these students, should all be very proud of what these young people have already accomplished and what they are going to be accomplishing in these hard times ahead.
All the members of the Kiwanis Club of Greater Pine Island would like to wish them all good luck and know they will all have successful and productive futures and hope they eventually come back to their roots and support their beautiful community of Pine Island.
Support your local Kiwanis Club and their events
Meeting Place – Bert’s In Matlacha
Date – Every Friday
Time – 7:30 a.m.
Need more information to become a member or volunteer, call Pat Burman 239-283-0777 or visit,