Getting to know your local bartender: Bill Trimble

Social clubs are an important meet-and greet-place for many seasonal as well as year-round island residents and among them is the Elks Lodge at the center of Pine Island. The Loyal Order of the Benevolent Elks boast a membership that is dedicated to its community, but they also know how to have fun. Depending on volunteers for many functions, among the members willing to lend a helping hand are the bartenders. This week, meet fill-in bartender Bill Trimble.
Bill and his wife, Sue, make their full-time home in Bokeelia and have been active members of the Pine Island Elks Lodge for six years and moved to Pine Island in 1995 after he retired from IBM as a systems engineer. He and Sue have four children and 11 grandchildren.
Here are Bill’s answers to the Get to Know Your Bartender survey.
1. Astrological sign: Aquarius
2. Birth place: Atlanta
3. How long have you been working here: Three years
4. Vanilla or chocolate: Swirl
5. When you were younger, what did you want to be when you grew up: A doctor
6. What’s your drink of choice: Single malt scotch
7. Do you have a collection or hobby: Fishing
8. Who would you want to play the role of you in a movie: Telly Savalas
9. Where do you see yourself in 10 years: Hopefully still here.
10. Who was your celebrity crush on in high school: Sophia Loren
11. What is your absolute biggest pet peeve: Slow drivers in the left lane
12. What’s your favorite pastime: Fishing
13. Which cartoon character do you most relate to: Mr. Magoo
14. If you were a wild animal, what would you be: A cuddly koala
15. If you were on a deserted island what one thing would you want with you: My wife
16. Who has been the biggest influence in your life: My mother
17. What is your favorite sport to watch: Golf or football
18. What is your favorite TV show: “Law and Order”
19. Do you have any pets: No
20. Describe yourself in one word: Affable
The Pine Island Elks is located just west of the four-way stop next to MPIFCD station #1. The lounge at the Elks is open beginning at 5 p.m., Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and is host to several fund-raising events throughout the year. For more information about membership to the Pine Island Elks, call 283-4388.