Edison and Ford Winter Estates summer hours and tours
Estates is a very special time with the tropical landscape full of
flowering plants, beautiful riverside areas and wide breezy porches on
the homes of the great inventors. As one of the top most visited
historical homes in the nation and an award winning National Trust for
Historic Preservation Site, the Estates is not to be missed as a great
summer destination for adults, children, families, and groups.
The Estates is open daily 9 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Visits can include guided
tours at 11 a.m., 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. and self-guided tours all day, as well as
audio tours. Groups of 20 or more will receive a group discount and
guided tour with an Estates docent. Advance registration is required by
calling the Estates group sales department at 239-334-7419.
For plant lovers, the Estates Garden Shoppe includes many selections of
plants propagated from historic varieties on the Estates as well as
other tropical plants and garden items. On Thursdays and Saturdays at 9
a.m. there is an extensive Botanical Tour of the gardens and Estates
prorogation nursery.
For additional information call 239-334-7419 or visit the web site at