Lee County completes signal re-timing on several major routes
Lee County has completed the re-timing of traffic signals for 32 intersections on U.S. 41, 8 intersections on Palm Beach Boulevard (S.R. 80), 4 intersections on Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard (S.R. 82), and 6 intersections on Fowler/Evans Streets. Although travel delay at an intersection can only be reduced by seconds, the cumulative effect on all vehicles adds up to significant savings for motorists in time, fuel saved and reduced automobile emissions. For example the re-timing of signals on U.S. 41 from Victoria Avenue south to Alico Road reduced travel time by over four minutes for a single vehicle.
Comparing actual “before” and “after” travel time runs, the overall cumulative annual project benefits in improved travel time, reduced fuel consumption, and reductions in automobile emissions (carbon-monoxide and nitrogen oxides) from retiming the 50 intersections are:
* 23% reduction in travel delay = $15,300,000 annually (value of time saved)
* 5600 gallons of fuel saved per day = $2,000,000 per year
* 19% less emissions = $124,000 annual benefit
* Total estimated annual value of savings is over $17,000,000
Source: Lee County Department of Transportation