Art and music programs to be partially reinstated in elementary schools
Because of the uncertainty that surrounded the budgetary process for 2009/10, several areas were identified by the school district for reductions due to a decrease in available funds. One such area was art and music at elementary schools across the county.The state does not provide funding “above formula” instructional personnel, based on the Class Size Amendment requirements. Lee County Public Schools has placed a priority on these programs and over the past few years, has paid for above formula teachers on its own, without any additional dollars from the state. Unfortunately, due to economic forces facing our area and the nation, the dollars previously allocated for these teachers could no longer be used for this purpose.
Now, based on actions taken by the Legislature when creating the state’s 2009/10 budget, Lee County Public Schools is able to revisit planned reductions, including those involving art and music teachers at the elementary level.
“We all recognize the importance art and music plays in a well-rounded education and it was never my first choice to reduce that experience for youngsters,” said Dr. James Browder, Superintendent of Schools. “I am relieved that the financial situation has changed so we can put a plan in place to continue those quality experiences for our students.”
Based on current budget projections, the district is planning to reinstate 50 percent of the art and music allocations to elementary schools. The plan will include elementary schools paring up with a “sister school” and the two schools sharing one art and one music teacher. This plan will allow the district to maintain art and music programs in each elementary school and at the same time allow us to have professional art and music teachers, certified in the subject areas, in place to deliver a quality program.
Currently art and music teachers, school principals and district officials are working together to address the specifics of this proposed plan, including determining which elementary schools will be paired up as sister schools.