Candidate Clawson to visit Pine?Island
The special election for the District 19 U.S. House of Representatives seat formerly held by Congressman Trey Radel, will be held on April 22. Curt Clawson is one of the Republicans running for this seat and will be on Pine Island for a meet-and-greet Friday, Feb. 21. He wants islanders to get to know him and his positions on matters of concern to our country.
Clawson, a business leader, former college basketball player and hardworking American, says he is fed up with the revolving door of career politicians, lobbyists and special interest groups in Washington, D.C.
“We see what an uninformed electorate has brought us,” said Kathy Jones of the Lee County Patriots. “Learning all we can about the candidates who hope to represent us in D.C. is critical when we go to vote in April.”
Clawson will be at Jones’ home at 2485 Cherimoya Lane in St. James City from 4:30-6:30 p.m.
Please RSVP for the meet-and-greet to or phone 239-260-4711.