
13th Annual Pine Island Garden Gala Feb. 22

2 min read
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Raffle prizes for the Pine Island Garden Gala include, from left, a basket from Spa 33, needlework by Gretchen Bennett and a watercolor by Shirley Glenn. ED?FRANKS

This year’s 13th Annual Pine Island Garden Gala should prove to be a fun, informative and eventful day. The Phillip’s Garden Park will come to life Saturday, Feb. 22, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., where folks can walk the shady grounds and visit 60 vendors who will display a huge variety of plants, artwork, jewelry, yard accessories and clothing. Guests can buy orchids, native plants, bromeliads, rain barrels, topiaries, bird houses, herbs, seeds and pottery. There will also be fruit trees, micro-greens and vegetables available for purchase.

This gala will have well over 100 raffle prizes, including a dinner for six prepared by Andy’s Seafood; a 2-night stay at Tarpon Lodge; a flight over the island by Kingfisher; a Tropic Star Cruise for two; a paddling tour by Pine Island Paradise; artwork from Wild Child Gallery; a living plant table by Diane Cook; a plant chair by Diane Maher; exquisite needle art by Gretchen Bennett; and artwork by Shirley Glenn, Dot Birmingham and Marty Kendall.

Also to be raffled off are gift certificates and donations from Red’s, Low Key Tiki, Two Fish Inn, Great Licks, Carl’s Auto, St. James Auto, Island Center Auto, Ragged Ass, Frill’s, Lazy Flamingo, Earth and Spirit, Beacon of Hope, Sandy Hook, Angles, Island Visions, Woody’s, Pizza Bella, Tropical Hair Gallery, Paisley Parrot and Potters Workshop.

There will also be a round of golf for two at Alden Pines and generous product and service baskets from Spa 33 and LA Salon. Additionally, all vendors will be donating an item to the raffle.

There will be five informative demonstrations regarding plants throughout the day and children will have their own potting table including a take-home plant.

Admission is free but tickets for the raffle can be purchased from Garden Club members, sale tables in front of Winn-Dixie and at the event.

For information, call Marty Kendall at 283-8175.