Wells Fargo Bank presents stuffed toy pony to PI?Kiwanis

JoAnn Catlin, manager of Pine Island Wells Fargo Bank, presented the Pine Island Kiwanis with a stuffed toy pony.
“We have a pony promotion, it’s very big out West, and they name a pony after a real stagecoach pony,” Catlin said. “So every year it’s a collectors’ item and we come out with a different pony every year. This year it’s ‘Shamrock’ and every store gets one. We decided we wanted to keep it on the island and thought of donating it to the Kiwanis.”
Catlin presented the pony to Kiwanis members Buzzy Phillips, Carlyn Herring and Mike Shevlin.
“We really want to thank you,” Phillips said. “This will go to some lucky child on Pine Island.”
The real Shamrock was a prize stallion who pulled a Wells Fargo Wagon in 1913. Every morning, Shamrock and the other horses would wait with their wagons outside the Union Depot in St. Louis, Mo., for express packages arriving by train from all over the country.