From Our Hearts thanks Bert’s

Members of the From Our Hearts Organization met this week to show their appreciation to Bert’s Bar and Grill for sponsoring the First Annual Pirates Ball.
On May 21, the Pirate’s Ball was held to benefit the ongoing goal of From Our Hearts, which is to provide breast cancer screening and procedures to qualifying residents of the Greater Pine Island ZIP codes. The event was a success with the community coming out to participate in auctions, raffles, costume judging, food and music.
Through fund-raising activities and the sale of a unique Pirate’s Ball T-shirt, $7,507 was raised. This allowed From Our Hearts to provide a $10,000 grant to Partners for Breast Cancer, the organization that provides financial support for diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer to women and men who meet the specific eligibility requirements of their program.
The event was so successful that plans for the 2nd Annual Pirate’s Ball are under way to expand the activities to two days and include more fun for everyone. Mark your calendars for Feb. 3 and 4, 2012.
For more information on From Our Hearts visit their web site at and visit for information on the upcoming Pirate events.