The Pine Island Garden Club has an exciting year planned
The Pine Island Garden Club is starting another new year with some exceptional programs and activities for the Islanders to enjoy. In addition to the monthly meeting, the club is planning not only the 9th Annual Gala, but also some exciting field trips.
The first field trip will be on Nov. 5, with a sail on the Tropic Star to Useppa Island with a tour of their museum followed by lunch on the Island. After lunch it will be off to Cayo Costa to explore the Island. The second trip will be on March 11, to the Edison/Ford Estate. If interested and for more information, please contact Dug Fix at 282-9280.
The programs and dates of the monthly meetings will be as follows:
Oct. 15: Topic, Gardening Without Pesticides; Speaker, Jerry Meola
Nov. 19: Topic, Attracting Wildlife to your Garden; Speaker, Warren Bush
Dec. 10: Holiday Party at Vesuvio Restaurant
Jan. 21: Topic, Growing Native Plants on Pine Island; Speaker, John Sibley
Feb. 18: Topic, Ethnobotany and our Calusa Indians; Speaker, Marty Kendall
March 18: Topic, Floral Arranging 101; Speaker, Marjorie VanderKruik
April 15: Topic, Creating a Butterfly Garden; Speaker, Peg Guttman
May 20: Topic, Palms for Southwest Florida; Speaker, Donna Cressman
The Garden Club meetings begin at 9 a.m. with a social time followed by the program at 9:30 a.m. ending with a small business meeting. The meetings are held at the Fishers of Men Evangelical Lutheran Church on Stringfellow Road.
The club will be concentrating on its 9th Annual Gala to be held on Feb. 27, 2010 at the Pine Island Nature Park. The Gala is a wonderful time for the residents of the area to enjoy some of the fantastic lectures on horticulture and to be able to purchase some of the finest horticulture from some of the top growers in the State. Admission will be free. The Gala has always proved to be an enjoyable day for the family. Make sure that you circle this date on your calendar.
Anyone interested in attending the meetings or becoming a member are asked to call either Carlene Sharples, President at 283-4607, Marty Kendall, 1st Vice President at 283-8175, Kathie Reiter, Membership Chairman at 283-3176 or go to our Web site: .