Getting to know your local bartender: Sharon Smith

Island veterans find a home away from home amid others with similar backgrounds at the Pine Island American Legion. Here these patriotic souls who have served their country gather together to share tales of days passed and look forward to things to come.
Privy to these often fascinating conversations are those who tend the bar at the legion and this week we meet Sharon Smith, also known to her patrons as Miss Behavin’. Sharon moved from Ohio to Pine Island in 1993 and is a familiar face on the island as she has also tended bar at Red’s Seafood Restaurant in Bokeelia and at the Matlacha Oyster House.
“I have always tended bar and I love it here at the legion,” she said. “The people are fantastic and they welcomed me with open arms.”
The following are Sharon’s answers to the bartender questionaire:
1. Astrological sign: Sagittarius
2. Birthplace: Ohio, I grew up in Dayton
3. How long have you been working here: Since October 2008
4. Vanilla or chocolate: Vanilla
5. When you were younger, what did you want to be when you grew up: Rich, didn’t happen. I still have time, I play the lottery!
6. What’s your drink of choice: Pinot gregio
7. Do you have a collection or hobby: Antique glass and figurines
8. Who would you want to play the role of you in a movie: Sharon Stone
9. Where do you see yourself in 10 years: Retired, one can hope
10. Who was your celebrity crush on in high school: Someone different every week
11. What is your absolute biggest pet peeve: Rude customers. If you can’t be nice while you are in public, stay at home!
12. What is your favorite pastime: Boating, fishing and island hopping
13. Which cartoon character to you most relate to: Schlepp Rock, un-stinking lucky
14. If you were a wild animal, what would you be: Cougar
15. If you were on a deserted island, what one thing would you want with you: A man, I’m no Girl Scout
16. Who has been the biggest influence in your life: Family
17. What is your favorite sport to watch: Football, tight ends!
18. What is your favorite TV show: “CSI’s”
19. Do you have any pets: No, one day I would like to have a dog again
20. Describe yourself in one word: Smiley
The Pine Island American Legion Post 136 is located at 4106 Stringfellow Road, St. James City. For information about qualifications for membership call the Legion at 283-4434.