
Hurricane Milton debris collection complete for unincorporated areas of mainland Lee County plus Boca Grande, Captiva and Pine Island

Residents are reminded to follow regular waste-collection guidelines

3 min read

Lee County Solid Waste has announced that debris collection for Hurricane Milton has concluded for unincorporated areas of mainland Lee County in addition to Boca Grande, Captiva and Pine Island. Collections on the sparsely populated islands of Upper Captiva, Useppa and Cayo Costa are ongoing.

The county is now reminding residents of unincorporated mainland Lee County, Boca Grande, Captiva and Pine Island to place their waste curbside in compliance with their regular weekly collection.

The debris collection effort was a success with Lee County collecting more than half a million cubic yards of hurricane debris. The exact amount as of today – excluding the remaining three islands – totals more than 553,000 cubic yards.

Lee County is appreciative of residents who expedited the process by properly setting out materials. As the debris mission closes, residents are asked to continue to follow Lee County’s instructions for proper weekly set-out.

Residents who have extensive bulky or vegetative debris can take advantage of the unlimited weekly solid waste collection by placing remaining debris in compliance for regular curbside collection.

Vegetative waste

The first 50 pounds of palm fronds can be neatly stacked, and the remaining branches or fronds tied into bundles 6 feet or shorter in length and 50 pounds or less per bundle. Loose vegetative waste can be placed in a container weighing 50 pounds or less per container with a weather-tight lid and handles, or paper lawn and leaf bags.

Bulky waste

Residents can set bulky waste such as furniture and appliances curbside next to the regular garbage.

If the item will not fit in the regular truck or needs a separate collection, the hauler will schedule a different truck to come out within three business days.

Construction and Demolition waste

If the project does not require a permit, place the material in containers with curbside garbage, up to 2 cubic yards per week and 50 pounds per container if collection is not automated. Cut carpet down to 6 feet lengths and roll it up in sections weighing 50 pounds or less. If the project does require a permit, it may be subject to mandatory recycling regulations. Residents and businesses can find further information at

Residents with questions can call Lee County Solid Waste customer service at 239-533-8000. Additional information on what is included in weekly collection can be found online at

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