American Legion Chapter 136 Riders host 9/11 remembrance ceremony
American Legion Chapter 136 Riders director Chuck Warren hosted a special remembrance ceremony for Sept. 11.
The American Legion Post 136 family was proud to have three first responders from Pine Island attend the ceremony where they were asked to hang the wreaths in memory of the fallen. The emcee for the ceremony was American Legion Chapter 136 Rider Terry Roberts, who gave a speech about a terrible situation that occurred 21 years ago.
The Honor Guard Team lead by Joe Steelman, which is made of members from the American Legion Post 136, S.A.L Squadron, American Legion Auxiliary Unit 136 and The Chapter 136 Riders, marched in to salute the flag in remembrance of 9/11.
On behalf of The American Legion Post 136 Commander Don Shattuck, the members of the American Legion Post 136 will always remember and thank everyone for attending.