Fire department holds Bike Safety Day
Last Wednesday morning, the Matlacha/Pine Island Fire Department held its “Bicycle Safety Day” at Pine Island Elementary School.
“This year we ‘piggybacked’ on National Bike to School Day,” Fire Inspector Christi Roman Kulwicki said about the program. “This is all about bicycle safety. We have several firefighters here who will play bicycle safety bingo with M&M’s and the children can win a fire department T-shirt.”
Kulwicki and Deputy Chief Ben Mickuleit conducted a survey of the students, and less than half owned a bicycle helmet.
“Today, you’ll have the opportunity to receive a bicycle helmet if you want one,” Kulwicki said. “But you should know that it’s the law that if you’re under 16, you can get a ticket for not being safe and wearing a bicycle helmet.”
Each student was fitted for a bicycle helmet and received a bicycle light.
“We were granted 150 helmets through the University of Florida,” Kulwicki said. “Each child in the 3rd, 4th and 5th grades were fitted for a helmet if they wanted one and received a bike light.”
Contact the M/PIFCD for more information at 239-283-0030. The administrative offices for the district are located at Station 1 at 5700 Pine Island Road at The Center.