Lee County’s Pine Island Commercial Marina boat ramp set to reopen May 7
Special to The Eagle
The boat ramp at Pine Island Commercial Marina will re-open to recreational boaters and anglers on Saturday, May 7, just in time for Mother’s Day weekend, National Safe Boating Month and the Memorial Day holiday in late May.
The ramp and marina have been closed since November as part of a renovation project that included a new, wider boat ramp; improved docks with more space; and better access due to a newly dredged channel.
Also included in the renovations are an improved barge landing and new seawall.
The renovations prevented further deterioration to the existing docks, improved safety and ensured the barge is able to continue serving the outer islands for trash pickup.
The ramp is at 6001 Maria Drive in St. James City, about a mile south of Pine Island’s four-way stop.
Recreational boaters and anglers can resume using the ramp during regular recreational hours, which are on Saturdays, Sundays and Lee County-recognized holidays. The gate will be open 6:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
The marina is limited to commercial use Monday through Friday.
The renovation was paid for by the West Coast Inland Navigation District and state vessel registration fees as well as Lee County’s general fund.
Formerly known as the Lee County Fishermen’s Cooperative, the 15-acre facility was purchased by Lee County in February 2006 to serve the bridgeless barrier islands of Lee County including Upper Captiva, Useppa Island, Cabbage Key and Cayo Costa.
For additional information about Lee County Parks & Recreation and the Pine Island Commercial Marina, or for alternative boat ramps for the Pine Island area, log on to www.leeparks.org.