Drop the worry habit
By nature, we are a worrying people. At times, worry keeps us appropriately vigilant so we may fend off tangible threats. Yet, more often than not, worry is simply a burden.
Psychiatrists draw a distinction between acute anxiety and chronic anxiety. Acute anxiety is related to some immediate threat. For example, if you step out of your front door and come face to face with a snarling panther, that would be acute anxiety that you’re feeling. Yet, if you wake up each morning with a sense of dark foreboding or worry that something terrible will happen, that would be chronic anxiety.
In Isaiah 43:1-7 we learn that we can live without chronic anxiety because “God created us and He formed us.” When you build or create something, you know it inside and out. God as our creator, knows us better than we know ourselves. Moreover, not only did God form us, but He redeemed us, He calls us by name and He says: “You are mine.” If we truly believe that God says “You are mine,” then how can we be anxious about things that might cross our path but probably won’t.
This does not mean that there will not be things that we have to face: probably not a shark bite, but possibly some biting comments made by others. Probably not a home intrusion, but perhaps unexpected intrusions and unwelcome interruptions.
Truth is, if we insist on worrying about stuff that might happen, we don’t need to look far for possibilities, but chronic worry does not bring honor to God who created us, who calls us by name and not only says “You are mine” but “you are precious in my sight” (Is. 43:4).
Chronic anxiety, unlike acute anxiety, isn’t based on outside threats. It arises from within. Therefore the solution to such homegrown worry can only come from within. Therefore in your heart of hearts, choose to trust God who says, “Cast all of your anxiety on me for I care for you” (1 Peter 5:7). And let God touch you deep within your heart with His continual loving care.
Roger Lemke is pastor of Fishers of Men Lutheran Church. The church is at 10360 Stringfellow Road. Call 239-283-1170 for service times and/or additional information