To the M/PIFCD Board and staff, stop the insanity
To the editor:
Sadly, the Matlacha/Pine Island Fire Control District continues to ask for a greater percentage of tax dollars while demonstrating an ongoing inability to balance their own budget. In 2004, the referendum for increase was soundly defeated and our fire chief pledged action to reduce expenditures and live within available funds. What has actually occurred is that the M/PIFCD continues to budget more annual expenditures than can be paid for by expected tax dollars. This is clearly shown in the opening financial information at the top of one of the two mailers sent out to every voter last month.
For those who are not familiar with the process, the M/PIFCD Board sets about annually to develop a budget that is intended to carry the district through the upcoming year. This process is done with full knowledge of ad valorem tax income information provided by the Lee County Property Assessor. The budget is to incorporate distribution of available funding to purchase needed equipment, provide for labor, fund administrative costs and to set aside reserve funds intended for unforeseen emergency. What is actually happening is our fire board continues to annually budget more total expense than can be offset by tax income. As this year’s numbers show, they have over-budgeted to the tune of $528,574. This is madness!!!!
We have seen a concerted effort by the M/PIFCD Board, executive staff and firefighters in requesting more funding and using fear mongering in explanation purporting potentially higher insurance premiums and compromised service if we do not approve. The simple truth is that our M/PIFCD has utterly failed to tighten their belts and live within their means just like all of us have done in these tough economic times. It’s high time our Matlacha/Pine Island Fire Control District conducts their affairs as part of and with full respect for the people in this community who faithfully pay to support them.
On a side note, you may have noticed that the property in Matlacha on Pine Island Road between Scallop Drive and Pompano Avenue purchased for Station 4 contains a vacant yellow house which has been allowed to deteriorate to a shameful state. This house was purchased in 2009 and absolutely nothing has bee done since to maintain or demolish it. It is unfortunate that the M/PIFCD has allowed this to occur. How much does a little paint cost anyway?
On behalf of the entirety of Pine Island, I extend sincere regret to those neighbors of the property who view the moldy eyesore daily and likewise to all residents and visitors who pass by. Should we mount a campaign to clean up this eyesore over a weekend? Should we show the M/PIFCD the value of volunteer labor?
More money is not the answer for a fire district that plans to spend more than it takes in. More respect; more discipline; more honor; more dignity. Stop this insanity.
Who do these people serve?
Bob Elder