Northwest Cape Coral not buying into Seven Islands plan
To the editor:
An over-capacity crowd filled the cafeteria of Christa McAuliffe school Wednesday night to hear what their past meetings with Cape Coral’s chosen engineers had determined what they wanted on the Seven Islands inside the North Spreader Canal.
The proposals were given in five drawings. The first proposal was just using the current land uses without variances and went progressively staged to taller buildings going up to at least 11 stories.
The acrimony against Cape Coral Council grew louder as each person came to the microphone to ask questions or really to complain about what was proposed at previous meetings by those that attended and the progressive land use that the city and the engineers came up with in the five plans.
There was no realistic way that over 425 people attending the meeting would be able to discuss and talk to the team as planned around the five planned layouts.
At less than an hour after the meeting had started, the Cape shut down the meeting claiming the time had run out even though several members of the public had stood in line to ask questions.
Judging from the comments and applause, one could assume that the folks living around this area do not want highrises and prefer that the islands remain the same or park like. A few would like at least a restaurant to travel to and eat on one of the islands.
Leo Amos