Liars-in-Chief — the facts
To the editor:
Republicans have been quick to brand Hillary Clinton a liar and often refer to President Obama as the “Liar-in-Chief.” I have examined PolitiFact’s ratings of claims and statements made by President Obama and leading presidential candidates. PolitiFact tends to be very picky, but appears to be equally hard on both sides. Here are the results through Jan. 31, 2016, showing the combined total of statements rated “mostly false,” “false,” and “pants on fire:”
Martin O’Malley:23%
President Obama:26%
Hillary Clinton:29%
Bernie Sanders:30%
Marco Rubio:41%
Carly Fiorina:58%
Ted Cruz:67%
Donald Trump:77%
Ben Carson:85%
The Republicans above should be ashamed for calling anyone else a liar. Jeb Bush (31%), John Kasich (32%), Chris Christie (35%) and Rand Paul (36%) do better, but still trail leading Democrats. Clearly, the facts again show that well-known liberal bias.
Rob McKelvie
Fort Myers