
Legion Auxiliary’s Hole in One Over the Pond contest Saturday

2 min read
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One of the competitors in last year’s hole in one contest at the American Legion Post. FILE PHOTO

The American Legion Auxiliary Unit 136 on Pine Island will hold its annual “Hole in One Over the Pond” contest this Saturday, Feb. 27. The purpose of the event is to raise money to help veterans on Pine Island.

“We will set up by the pond at the American Legion,” organizer Adrienne Bartell said. “The first tee time is at 10 a.m. and the last tee off at 4:45 p.m. The fee for the first shot is $5 and additional shots (mulligans) are $1 each.”

Top prizes will be awarded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place and closest to the pin. There will be a 50/50 drawing as well as raffle drawings for the golfers for the many prizes donated by businesses on and off the island.

“This is the eighth or maybe the ninth year we’ve held this fundraiser,” Bartell said. “Last year the weather worked for us and we had a great turnout. It’s all very competitive but everyone is here just to have fun and support the veterans.”

In addition to golf, hamburgers, grilled chicken and hot dogs will be available for purchase on the Legion patio from noon to 4 p.m.

The event will also feature music by High Tide from 1-4 p.m.

All money raised at the event goes directly to veteran’s programs. Golfers, spectators and the public are invited to enjoy the event.

The American Legion Post is 4106 Stringfellow Road.

For additional information, call 239-283-4434.