
Question of the Week, Week 8: Message for the voters

6 min read

Each week through the primary, The Breeze will ask the candidates for Cape Coral City Council an issue-related question. In the interest of fairness, each candidate is limited to the same amount of space, about 100 words, for their response.

The question for Week 8 is: What message would you like voters to take to the polls?

District 2


The message I would like voters to take to the polls would be that I believe I share the same beliefs and wants that you have. Because I foresee a future for this city. If elected I will make it my priority to beautify our medians and entrances. I will make it a priority to encourage business growth not only to find incentives to bring them here but also to keep them here. The city government needs to also keep our citizens here. I want to change the image of our city be more positive. Our city government has made a lot of mistakes in the past 46 years I don’t want to repeat them. I believe I possess the common sense we need to make decisions that will be in the best interests of our citizens. The connection between the government and our citizens must be a partnership. I will hold people accountable for their decisions and not support any wasteful spending which includes hiring consultants. The only consultants we need to listen to are our citizens.



The message I would like the voters to take to the polls is a message that points out the progress this candidate has been involved with.

From the restart of the UEP, which cut base water rates by 3 percent and locked those rates in for the next 10 years, to the City Pension reform, that has saved $185 million tax dollars over the next 25 years, and now, for the first time ever, economic sustainability.

Currently, we now have a civil and effective Council here in the Cape, one, that I’m proud to be part of.

Let’s keep the Cape moving forward!



I would like the message to be that I do not have any special interest groups to work for. The only interest group is the citizens of Cape Coral. I will have their best interests at heart and I will represent all nationalities, races and all religious groups. There will be no favoritism. My office door will always be open to all the good citizens.



The message I would like the voters of Cape Coral to take to the polls is this: I need to look deeper into the people I am choosing to vote for, and question their honesty, integrity and ability to represent me in the manner I want to be represented.

If they say they will spend 60 hours a week on the job, I need to ask myself, do they have a personal business to run? Do they have a family and children to look after? And, why would anyone want to do this without some kind of political or financial agenda? If they are incumbents, I need to ask myself what kind of representation have they provided in the past and are they burned out by the job or just warming up?

But the most important message I need to carry to the polls is, what kind of city do I really want to live in, and who can give me the best chance to get there?


District 3


A positive message, I want the voters to believe that I will bring leadership to the City Council, something I think is truly lacking. I feel most people can resonate with me, as I am definitely from the working class. I have not been hand picked by any special interest groups, nor financed by any out-of-county money.

My special interest group is the citizen, the working man, the single mom, or the fixed income senior. My message is simple “I am a concerned citizen with a common sense approach.” This is what I hope the voter brings to the polls.



I would like voters to take this message to the polls: Whether it be in private, sitting home filling in an absentee ballot or at a polling location where it is only you and your conscience, make your decision for District 3 based upon proven leadership, experience in handling stressful situations and a fair and compassionate history of serving the community for 32 years.



Having the right to vote is to be cherished. Our military defend our freedom and this right that so many in this world are denied. I would love to be your voice on Council.

No matter the outcome on Tuesday, I will continue to be involved and support all of the good things happening here.

Thank you and may God bless America.


District 7


I would like voters to know with assurance that my desire to represent them and to be their voice on the dais is strong and authentic.

They can vote with faith remembering my qualifications, aspirations and pledge to have Cape Coral develop into one of the greatest, family friendly cities in Florida.

I hope I have been successful in the delivery of my message during this campaign season that the voters will have heard and took to heart my dedication to all citizens of Cape Coral.



The message I want voters to take to the polls is that I am homegrown talent: I was born here, raised here, and chose to come back after college and put down my roots. Now, I’m raising my own children with my husband here in Cape Coral. As such, I’m the only candidate with a genetic investment in this city. I have no agenda, other than my love for the community -and I want to use my talents, skills, and good judgment to help Cape Coral prosper and grow.


Cape Coral City Council races are non-partisan, citywide elections meaning registered voters can cast a ballot in each race, no matter party affiliation, no matter the district in which they live.


I will bring energy, enthusiasm, and dedication to this job. Almost every day I am meeting people in the community to discuss issues, attend meetings, and research city policy.

Know that I am invested in our community and that I will bring a new voice with a fresh perspective to the dais.

So when you go to the polls to make your decision, think back to me going around our community or waving signs and know that I will bring that same passion to the council. We have a great city, let’s keep it going in the right direction.