Speak out: There is no excuse for the murder of police officers
To the editor:
The murdering of police officers is a despicable deed done by barbaric, unconscionable individuals who have no place in any society that hopes to be respected in the world.
Police officers, brave men and women, put their lives on the line daily to keep Americans safe. These extraordinary individuals represent our only line of defense against evil anxious to turn America into uncivilized marching morons.
So why then doesn’t every elected official stand up and speak out against this growing sickness in the nation? Why don’t we hear elected officials, starting at the top with President Obama, condemning this sickening behavior? Why doesn’t every commission and council meeting begin with praise for our police officers, along with condemnation for attacks against these great Americans? Why don’t our Congressional representatives rail against the practice of idiots running wild? Why doesn’t the Supreme Court and the Attorney General, daily, praise the police and assail the gutless perpetrators?
The only excuse for this insensitive behavior is a lack of courage and a particular cowardice that serves to shame all Americans.
The sickening silence not only shows elected officials to be without moral backbones it serves to empower the culprits and create doubt about whether or not the actions are 100 percent deranged.
Let’s be clear: The Police are the absolute heroes. The people who are either silent or fueling the fires by advocating this uncivilized conduct reflect absolute depravity.
There aren’t two sides to this issue, it’s not political and it’s not an issue where one can stand in the middle and play the “both sides” game. Either you’re evil and gutless or you have a moral backbone. It’s time to stop playing games and start encouraging the police, without question.
Dick Kalfus
Cape Coral