
CRA Advisory board meeting set for Tuesday

2 min read

The South Cape Streetscape program will be the topic of discussion when the South Cape Redevelopment Agency advisory board holds its meeting on Tuesday at 3 p.m. at the Chester Street Resource Center on 4816 Chester St.

The board is seeking input from stakeholders and residents and business owners within the South Cape CRA area about the program and how to get more participation in the streetscaping program.

“The meeting is about the program as it relates to business owners in the CRA and how we can get more participation from the property owners and input as to what they want to see incorporated into the program,” said Ed Ramos, advisory board chairman.

The program is there for a property owner to take advantage of a partnership between the owner and the city where the owner pays 75 percent of the cost for a widened paver sidewalk.

For example, the CRA is doing improvements to the parking lot that was never completed on the corner of Southeast 47th Terrace and 10th Street, behind the parking lot of the Nevermind bar and eatery.

Other business owners and stakeholders have had an interest in improving the walkability of Southeast 47th Terrace, so Ramos decided to get input on how to improve its curb appeal.

“We’re going to put our heads together and facilitate the program and go forward with their applications,” Ramos said.

Cape Coral City Councilmember Jim Burch said he plans on attending, though he likely wouldn’t get involved, fearing that the advisory board would not be a neutral party, since the city council is the CRA board.

“Let those people do what they’re supposed to do and let them do it and react to that,” Burch said. “It’s unusual to ask everyone what they want when you don’t have a vision.”