
Catch ’em & Cook ’em: Beer Batter for Fried Fish

1 min read

Beer Batter for Fried Fish


1/2 C flour

1/2 C yellow cornmeal

1 C flour

12 oz beer

1 T salt

1 T paprika

How to:

1. Make sure fish is dry. Mix the 1/2 C flour and the yellow cornmeal together in bowl #1.

2. Mix 1 C flour, the beer, salt, and paprika in bowl #2.

3. Dip the fish in bowl # 1 and then into bowl #2. Shake off excess and fry in hot oil until golden brown.

Capt. Dick May is the owner of Easy Rider Charters in Bokeelia. He can be reached at 239-283-3247 or “Capt. Dick’s Seafood & Southern Country Cooking” (a new cookbook) can be ordered at Go to Cookbooks then to Food and Wine category. Type in “Capt. Dick’s Seafood and Southern Country Cooking” and click. A picture of the cookbook, price and info for ordering will be displayed.