
Best Art Expo ever!

2 min read

To the editor:

Thank you for supporting our Pine Island artists. Great event attendance and sales. Volunteers make the show possible and sponsors make it happen. The St. James City Civic Association Order of the Golden Brush provided the desserts, kitchen help, hosted the reception food and beverages, and provided clean up duty on Saturday. Sponsors this year: Raffle Donors: Two Fish Inn, won by Bob Luther, St. James Automotive, won by Matt Perreauet, Paintings won by Claire-Michael Bucher and Randy King herbs won by Anita Perreauet; Silent Auction donated by John and Judy Nyhus, won by attending artist. Generous financial donations were made by: Tropical Kitchens, Spyrenal and Associates and Saint James Island Spa. Food prepared by Winn Dixie along with their most generous in kind contribution.

A very special acknowledgment to Rachi Farrow who provides the annual poster and invitation art that is the “face of our show.” Rachi also donated the poster printing this year.

Thank you to Denny Dekker and Mike Jendrusiack for arranging the “heavy lifting” for us. And finally, a thank you to Wayne Harms who assembles the screens and provides help wherever and whenever needed along with our set up crew.

Mary Ann Harms

Chairman, 2015 Art Expo