Garden Club’s Gala a huge success
The Pine Island Garden Club Gala was held last Saturday at Garden Club Park, just north of the four corners. Cars were parked as far as the eye could see along Stringfellow Road.
“This is the 14th year of the gala and once again the weather has cooperated,” Nancy Kennedy, 2nd vice president and gala chairman said. “We begin planning this almost a year in advance getting the vendors together and I find if you pace yourself over the year it works out much better.
“We look back and figure out what worked and what didn’t so we can improve next year’s gala,” she continued. “We have approximately 40 vendors but we’ve cleared a little more of the park spreading the event over a larger area. We don’t seem so crowded this year.”
There were vendors selling a wide variety of plants, trees, herbs, crafts, art, food and more. Master gardeners were available to answer gardening questions, and there were five plant demonstrations: “The Secrets of Growing Roses in SW Florida,” “Free and Easy” floral arranging, “Gardening Hang-ups,” “Herbs, Spices and Their Uses” and “Growing Orchids.” Also Garden Club volunteers staffed a Children’s Table for kids to plant seeds and plants in take- home containers.
Local author Mitch Grant was on hand signing and selling his books: “The Popping Cork Murder” and “Cut Bait Murder.” Both are set in St. James City.
All funds generated by the gala are distributed to the Calusa Land Trust, PAWS, Beacon of H.O.P.E., and CROW.
For more information or to join the Garden Club, please visit