Property is private at northern end of Galt Preserve
To the editor:
It has come to our attention there has been misinformation given in reference to the land adjoining the northern part of Galt Preserve. The land north of the fence and buoy-cable across the water is private property. It will not be available for public use, as suggested otherwise in earlier Eagle articles.
The property was purchased by the Stevens family in 1972, as part of a larger piece of property formerly owned by the Catholic Church. Maurice and Dan Stevens were responsible for digging the lake; therefore, since the lake’s completion over 40 years ago, and as part of the Stevens property, it has been and will continue to be called Stevens Lake.
Some years ago a portion of the original 1,000 acre Stevens property was sold. As part of that sale, the Galt Preserve property provides access to the southern portion of the lake, an area of approximately 1/4 mile. The remaining property and lake, consisting of over 340 acres, remains private.
The family has been working with Lee County in regard to the best way to restrict access to the portion of the lake on Stevens’ property, as it is a concern trespassers will access the family palm fields, causing damage to the trees, leaving litter, etc.
The Stevens family is taking physical action to prevent access to the lake beyond the “pond” area. Those Galt Preserve visitors ignoring private property signs and barriers will be trespassing.
Hopefully, this letter will clarify the incorrect implications expressed in earlier Eagle editions.
Mary Kay Stevens